Think "Chicoms" are bad? — contrast the United States' always war-fomenting leadership

© 2020 Peter Free


05 December 2020



US in Marvel Comics Land — a Christmas story


How fortunate we are to have leaders of such sensible quality:



U.S. intelligence shows that China has conducted "human testing" on members of the People's Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with "biologically enhanced capabilities," the top U.S. intelligence official said Friday.


John Ratcliffe, the director of national intelligence, included the explosive claim in a long Wall Street Journal op-ed in which he made the case that China poses the pre-eminent national security threat to the U.S.


"There are no ethical boundaries to Beijing's pursuit of power," wrote Ratcliffe, a Republican former member of Congress from Texas.


"The People's Republic of China poses the greatest threat to America today, and the greatest threat to democracy and freedom world-wide since World War II.  The intelligence is clear: Beijing intends to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically."


© 2020 Ken Dilanian, China has done human testing to create biologically enhanced super soldiers, says top U.S. official, NBC News (03 December 2020)



Absolutely, momma!


The Chinese want to enslave every one of the 8 billion or so people on this planet.


They'll be using lab-created super-human folk dressed in PRC uniforms and carrying Super Zoomo Space Zappers to do it.


Once their army of inhuman superiority has accomplished this task, the Chinese Government is "gonna" strap us all down on shiny steel tables.


Then, slowly drain our blood to feed genetically modified (very tasty) blood-gobbling, vat-kept sharks that Communist leadership likes to eat.





Notice that . . .


. . . National Intelligence director Ratcliffe left out the part about China's long-term lack of generalized expansion beyond its own borders.


Why spoil an American imperialist's frothing scare story with easily acquired facts?



Guess where Ratcliffe's clever propaganda is headed


Toward justifying massively expanded American experimentation with super-human troops and killer robots. As well as supporting more aggressively designed China-containment efforts.


Our guys gonna be bigger 'n badder than yours.



The moral? — If you want truth and a sense of strategic proportion . . .


. . . you are more likely to find both hiding out at a Common Liars Convention, than lonely and wandering through the top ranks of rabidly conflict-creating American leadership.