Casualty of War - One Soldier's Psychic Strength in Stark Contrast with the Spinelessness of Our Political Leaders

© 2010 Peter Free


03 July 2010


Former Army Specialist Brendan Marrocco (a quadruple amputee due an explosion in the Iraq War in 2009) inspires others with his determined courage.

Lizette Alvarez' New York Times story about him (Spirit Intact, a Soldier Reclaims His Life) is worth reading.

Brendan Marrocco's hourly-tested grit contrasts sharply with the interminable political  spinelessness of the people who lead the nation in perpetuating mistaken geopolitical endeavors.

Magnify Specialist Marrocco’s suffering by tens of thousands, and you glimpse what the American public's indifference to the price of war has cost the people who have had to pay it.