The Intensely Hypocritical Obama Administration Is Now Calling for an Investigation into Libyan Dictator Qaddafi’s Death — after Doing Everything They Could to Make Exactly that Happen

© 2011 Peter Free


24 October 2011



Hypocrisy done the American way — enough to make Honor puke


After doing everything he could to get NATO to take sides in Libya’s civil war, under the rationale that Colonel Qaddafi was an evil man, President Obama, Britain, and the United Nations are now calling for an investigation of the Colonel’s apparent execution at the hands of Libyan citizens who risked their lives to “get” him.


If this isn’t pure hypocrisy, I don’t know what is.


The President’s ostensibly life-preserving infliction of NATO on Libya undoubtedly killed more Libyans than would have died if he and NATO had stayed out of it.


Now, President Obama is implicitly impugning the “civilization” of the Libyans whose side he supported in the conflict with Qaddafi — simply because the not-so-endearing Colonel apparently fell victim to people who justifiably hated him.  How their action differs from Osama bin Laden’s execution at Navy SEAL Team Six’s hands defies rational explanation.


This disingenuous and astoundingly hypocritical tomfoolery comes from the same American President, who continually and indiscriminately whacks America’s alleged enemies with drones, without even a wisp of legal due process.


The President now has the self-righteous audacity to malign the moral rectitude of the Libyans who caught Qaddafi on the ground after battling their way in to capture him?



Simple questions


What did the President think was going to happen after he unleashed the Libyan dogs of war?


Is the man so removed from reality that he doesn’t understand what happens in and around fields of battle?


Who are the actual ethical cretins in this mix?



The moral? — In the eyes of the rest of the world, we dishonor ourselves with our suffocating hypocrisy


If I were a Libyan freedom fighter, I’d tell the American President, NATO, and the United Nations to look at their own pots before spitting in mine.