How a Responsible Political Grown-Up Talks — Former Treasury Official Bruce Bartlett Speaks about the Economy and the Federal Reserve Board, after Texas Governor Rick Perry Demagogically Spouts Off about the Fed Chairman’s Alleged Treason

© 2011 Peter Free


19 August 2011



An old-fashioned behavioral paradigm worth recovering in a time of demagogic lunacy


The American public can be forgiven for wondering whether there are any responsibly intelligent politicians left, given how destructively and unintelligently prominent members of both political parties act today.


I provide the below Internet link as an example of a forgotten, but honorable paradigm of governance.


CNN’s recent interview with former Treasury Department official, Bruce Bartlett, serves as a reminder of what a political grown-up — attempting to serve the true national interest — sounds like.


Perhaps not surprisingly, Bartlett came to prominence in President George H. W. Bush’s administration.  Older Americans will remember that President Bush the First was noted for his thoughtfully exercised maturity, especially in foreign affairs.


How far we have fallen since.



Citation — to Bruce Bartlett’s non-demagogic comments about the economy


American Morning, Bartlett: 'Fed needs to be aggressive', CNN (19 August 2011)


Pay attention to Bartlett’s thoughtful demeanor and choice of sensible words.


Mr. Bartlett, whose behavior is not especially provocative, concisely dismissed Texas Governor Rick Perry’s demagogic comment (that the Fed Chairman had acted treasonously), as having come from an “idiot.”



In truth, Governor Perry is not an idiot, if political skill is the measure.  On the other hand, Governor Perry’s statements make him sound like an idiot, if beneficial national leadership is the mark.  Presumably, Bartlett was using the latter standard.





The question


Doesn’t Mr. Bartlett's CNN economics discourse exemplify someone most of us would have confidence in — even if only as a respite from the politician-fools who run government today?



The moral


The sooner voting Americans recognize idiots and demagogues as being such, the more quickly we will get the United States back on track.