Does wisdom completely elude the West — having been unable to find even a trace of soulful maturity there?

© 2022 Peter Free


09 October 2022



Below is a culturally insightful exchange . . .


. . . between three of Larry Johnson's readers — regarding the just-occurred (08 October 2022) Kerch Bridge sabotage.


The three comments arrived in response to Johnson's Ukraine War observation that:



The over-joyed reaction to the limited success of this [Kerch] operation in the West belies a desperation.


Let us give Ukraine credit for one thing - they are really pissing off the people of Russia and galvanizing support for Putin to take decisive action.


The West insists it wants to get rid of Vladimir Putin but actions like this attack on the Kerch bridge is having the opposite effect on Putin’s popularity and his growing mandate to punish Ukraine as a terrorist state.


I suspect that Ukraine will not be as chirpy once Russia chooses to respond in force.


© 2022 Larry Johnson, Ukrainian attack on Kerch Bridge in the Crimea not going as planned — Wile E Coyote lives!, (08 October 2022)



Beginning the Comments section was 'Indian':



An ancient Hindu proverb that applies to Ukraine (an approximate translation):


“At the time one’s destruction, opposite use of one’s brain”.


In other words, desperate last-minute use of any method just to ward off the inevitable destruction.



Further translating that Hindu thought into semantically clearer English was 'Moscow Exile':



When the time of one’s destruction comes, one’s mind thinks the opposite of what it should.



Overtly administering the implied point — in a manner similar to a Rinzai Zen 'Jikijitsu' — here wielding a sting-delivering 'Keisaku' (stick) during meditation — was 'Peppe':



Sorry, you can’t use ancient cultural wisdom and sagacity on a group of societal parvenus like the Anglo-Saxon-and germanics in general.


Arrogant and treacherous barbarians from the beginning they were, arrogant and treacherous barbarians they will perish.


Their “intellect” only allows them to see 2 steps beyond their noses and all sense of nuance is lost on them.



The moral? — Exactly so


Which is why my own wisdom-development began working with aspects of Eastern Hemisphere thinking many decades ago.


Unconstrained (modern) Western barbarism, though occasionally energy-raising, takes one only so far.


Interminable destruction, as is the United States' now customary pattern of behavior, does not work in the constructive fashion that the Shiva concept — somewhat arguably — envisions.


Simple point. Civilizational implications.