Disparities in Law Enforcement Based on Race and Plutocracy’s Priorities — Going after Barry Bonds for Not Much of Anything and Giving the Financial Sector’s Numerous (Billions-of-Dollars-Stealing) Crooks a Pat on the Back

© 2011 Peter Free


14 April 2011



Ain’t this a great country (or what)?


It is laughable that we Americans think of Afghanistan and Mexico as models of corruption.


(1) If ethical corruption is evaluated by the billions of dollars stolen from ordinary people, the United States ranks first in the world.


(2) If racially-skewed law enforcement counts as dwindled soul, the U.S. places near the top of the Tiny Soul List.


The last couple of days tell these stories succinctly.



“Let’s get Barry, we got nothin’ better to do”


After spending millions of dollars, federal prosecutors finally managed to “get” Barry Bonds — not-so-personable “black man” — for evading answering a question the federal grand jury posed him about his steroid use in baseball.


Mr. Bonds had done nothing thousands of other athletes haven’t.  He just had the hutzpah to be both black and imperious at the same time.  By golly, that has to be a crime, right?


The same group of:


overzealously self-righteous,


mostly "opressor white" (or white-acting),


tie- and high-heels wearing prosecutorial elite,


(the President included),


have simultaneously decided to give the Billions-of-Dollars-out-the-Wazoo Robbers on Wall Street a pass for their obviously deceptive manipulations of the financial sector.


These financial crooks’ duplicitous deviltry directly led to the impoverishment of millions of Americans.  But, that, according to the Powers-that-Be, is not a crime.




America’s “regulators” — including the President and his predecessors — were sleeping with the allegedly regulated, who are rich and mostly "white" (or white-acting).  What’s a gigantic screwing of the public between wealthy elitist bedmates?



The moral?


Poor Barry Bonds.  He didn’t own anything except his talent and his African-American heritage.


The rest of us own nothing of worth and have no comparable talent.


The result of these combined phenomena:


Plutocrats 2 — Black Athletes and the Common Man/Woman 0 

“We minority and common folk ain’t gonna be coming out on top in the ninth inning (or the fourth quarter), neither.”


Unless we change the rules, and who is refereeing, this humanity-trampling game.