The commander in chief who isn't — our fantastical Syria troop withdrawal

© 2019 Peter Free


12 November 2019



Much as I object to the Deep State's coup attempt


I find President Trump remarkably annoying. He could easily compete with Rome's worst emperors. Rationally chosen direction, mental stamina and self-discipline are nowhere in his character.


President Trump is, one could say, a vacuously shouting puffball of narcissistic self-promotion — with an unfortunately pronounced  talent for manipulating other people's discontent.


He gets folks riled up, but leaves them nowhere fulfilling to go.



For example — Syria


One minute — the commander in chief tells us that we are:


(a) withdrawing from Syria


(b) abandoning Kurd allies


and presumably


(c) bringing rational geopolitical sense to our otherwise inane imperialistic plottings.


Next minute — we are partially staying in Syria for its (comparatively trivial amount of) oil.


Third minute — our apparently unreduced Syrian presence has further morphed (or backslid) into something else — which, for the most part, also remains poorly articulated.



It is no wonder that


Foreigners think that the American president is a dangerously powerful idiot.


In view of their rising fear, building contempt and self-protecting instincts in mind, maybe we should further bolster our armed forces.


Doing so would continue to keep the world safe for aggressively displayed American stupidity.



With the above suggestion, we see that


US policy "debates" always come back to the same solution.


Gotta be powerfully interfering, no matter what.


Improving leadership's societal service and smarts are never considered necessary.



The moral? — President Trump is the Deep State's puppet


Even if the President manages to fend off the Military Industrial Complex's long-lasting coup attempt, he will still crumble to its control.


Given the American public's gullibility, the Deep State's concocted "Trump is Putin's Puppet" talk paid off.


Easily manipulated mentalities need masters. These can be imposed or self-chosen. American intelligence agencies know how to provide both. Even for gargantuanly self-important personalities like Trump's.


In fairness to the President, no chief executive could bring the Military Industrial Complex's massive bureaucracy and interconnectedness under control. Change would have to come from taxpayer revolt and economic system change. I do not see either upswell on the horizon.


In a sense, we are all puppets in cheap theater.


This unentertaining absurdity is part of the reason that I am drawn to the Simulation Hypothesis as metaphor.