President Obama’s Perennially Cynical Hypocrisy Is Bad for the Nation — Perhaps One of the Republicans’ “Panel of Fools” Would Be a Better Choice in 2012

© 2011 Peter Free


15 November 2011



Would someone from the Republicans’ “debate buffoons” really be worse for the country?


Picking the worst presidential candidate in 2012 might turn out to be our best avenue toward ultimately regaining the American Dream.


Disgust with a buffoon’s obviously failed leadership could motivate us to undertake necessary choices and sacrifices.



President Obama’s deceptions bring us down


Joe Scarborough recently pegged the President’s lack of integrity:


Obama seems capable of effortlessly floating between demonizing Wall Street gambling one day and profiting from it the next.


The audacity is breathtaking.


The president has raised more money from Wall Street through the Democratic National Committee and his campaign account than any politician in American history.


[I]t’s laughable that the same man who feasts with Wall Street fat cats at $38,000-a-plate fundraisers turns around and claims the next day that attacking those same money men will be the basis of his reelection campaign.


Obama’s fake outrage is all the more preposterous considering that the White House’s policies have led to record profits on Wall Street during the first two years of the Obama administration.


In fact, Wall Street amassed more profits in the first two years of the Obama presidency than all eight of George W. Bush’s combined.


© 2011 Joe Scarborough, Obama's 'friendship' with Wall Street, Politico (07 November 2011) (paragraph split)



Camouflaged hypocrisy takes energy and mental clarity to penetrate


We can’t fix the American Dream, if our Commander in Chief is actively strengthening plutocracy, while pretending to mend it.  His duplicitous endeavors conceal the problems that we need to see and confront.


In contrast, a virtuous fool would not require us to penetrate his or her camouflage.  That psychic energy saving might leave us with enough insight to see and plan where we want America to go.



The moral? — Making things temporarily worse (by choosing a “buffoon” in 2012) might shorten our national illness


Sometimes it’s best to throw the “baby” — our American future — out with the bathwater.


At least then we would be rid of the stink and could pick the baby back up.  We Americans are nothing if not resilient.