Christmas Day 2022 — ruled by the worst among us — kakistocracy — David Stockman's wham-banging take on our Great American Scumbaggery
© 2022 Peter Free
25 December 2022
Today's somewhat concealed theme
Today, on the purported day of the (arguably ostensible) Christ's birth, perhaps we should consider the following.
For perspective's sake.
I say this, even as a sceptic regarding all things human and not.
Background — a definition
A kakistocracy is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.
© Wikipedia, Kakistocracy, (visited 25 December 2022)
US leadership is so bad . . .
. . . that it would make anyone morally decent — and intellectually sensible — puke.
The United States' crop of purported leaders is orders of magnitude the worst — in all calculable (or even estimable) respects — of any such American group that I have experienced across all my (downright elderly) years.
Even History does not present a similar time of equally blanket conniving brainlessness and plunder-swilling murder-addiction.
Consider . . .
. . . the following appraisal from David Stockman, who once was President Reagan's Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
I quote Stockman at length because his essay is such an eloquently crafted, historically accurate and objectively minded statement of what a less (complacently placid) We the People would think — regarding the nauseating grifters, grafters and braindead Murder Loons, who head the United States' House of Neocon Lies:
The spectacle in the US Capitol Building last night was downright retch-worthy.
And we are not actually referring to the detestable little warmongering clown who preened at the podium in a sweatshirt and cargo pants, offering endless lies and hideously false promises about why American taxpayers and consumers are being bled to death in a pointless and unnecessary war.
No, we are referring to the pathetic gaggle of Representatives and Senators who applauded relentlessly and uproariously in response to the casuistry of the tinny poseur who stood before them, albeit one who should have never been granted that august platform in the first place.
After all, the mountebank who leads the rapidly decaying remnant of a nation that was never built to last anyway has been able to bring the world to the brink of economic catastrophe and even nuclear war for one reason alone:
Namely, because the bipartisan duopoly on Capitol Hill has shoveled gargantuan sums of money into Ukraine and Washington’s proxy war on Russia with mindless negligence.
[T]his is not a Russian invasion but a civil war in the "borderlands" territory (i.e. "Ukraine" in Russian) that prior to the communist tyranny of the Soviet Union was always a vassal and sometimes integral part of greater Russia.
The present civil war, in fact, was instigated in 2014 by the illegitimate government installed in Kiev after Washington’s coup d’ tat against the duly elected and Russian-friendly president.
This Washington managed "regime change", in turn, set the regions of the artificial state of Ukraine against each other based on long-standing differences of language, religion, ethnicity and economics, among others.
And when the Russian speaking populations of Crimea, the Donbas and the Black Sea coastal areas sought separation owing to fears of repression by the Ukrainian nationalist and neo-Nazi politicians who took control of the government in Kiev, the latter brought the bloody violence of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, including the overtly neo-Nazi Azov Brigade, down upon them.
[T]he Kiev instigated civil war against the Russian speaking populations of the east and south had been raging for eight years before Putin finally responded to their pleas for overt military assistance; and also after upwards of 14,000 separatist military and civilian personal had been killed by Kiev’s violent onslaught against what was purported to be its own population.
© 2022 David Stockman, After the Zelensky Spectacle – Let the Partition Begin!, AntiWar (23 December 2022)
Stockman's full essay is well worth a read.
The moral? — Scumbag government, scumbag culture?
Is our current state of affairs what Jefferson, Madison (and all those 'old times' guys) had in mind?
We are experiencing the complete and irremediable collapse of the American Experiment.
A true conservative is easily recognizable by his and her certainty, regarding the bottomless depths of human incompetence and depravity.
We humans will destroy any Elevated System, no matter how competently it is (or was) crafted.
If we take away Christmas time's soullessly perverted commercialism, we are left with something worth contemplating. Whether or not with subsequently accorded credence.
Ideas matter. Ideals are capable of guiding behavior and decency.
In the parables of virtually any tradition, arguably lie partially achievable hopes for human betterment.
Remove dross.