Chinese seeds — another indicator of hysterical American boneheadedness?

© 2020 Peter Free


31 July 2020



Here we go again


You've heard of the Chinese Communist Party's anti-world seed-mailing plot?



On July 24th, the Washington State Department of Agriculture issued a Twitter warning about packages of unidentified seeds, apparently originating from China, being sent to multiple Washington residents, unsolicited.


The post set off a wave of similar announcements from a number of U.S. states, instructing recipients not to plant any seeds they did not order.


The warnings sparked more reports, and it quickly became apparent that this was a national, even international, trend—with packages reported so far in 22 U.S. states, Canada, Australia, and the E.U.


Dr. [Lawrence] Roberge has been writing and speaking for the better part of a decade on the potential for non-indigenous species to be employed as a form of biological weapon by hostile actors.


There is substantial evidence to suggest that we may be watching just such an attack play out in real time.


Roberge expressed concern that, while the U.S. is well equipped to defend human targets against biological threats, we are “poorly prepared for agricultural or environmental bioweapons.” “We are very vulnerable to such an attack,” he said.


© 2020 Declan Leary, Is China Sowing The Seeds Of Our Destruction, Literally?, American Conservative (31 July 2020)





The People's Republic of China has decided to attack the planet with its bottomless supply of ecosystem-destroying weeds.


No doubt this plan is a product of President Xi Jinping's wily mind.


We already know that we can blame him, personally, for COVID-19. As well as our own unpreparedness for the pandemic.


Those Asian devils.



We can also be sure that . . .


. . .  the Russians have something to do with the Chinese seed scheme.


Speaker Pelosi is probably preparing a speech to that effect, at this moment.


She will, of necessity, finger President Trump for assisting Venomous Vlad in carrying this combined Russo-Chinese perfidy out.


Trump is, after all, a Putin Puppet.


Haven't the Dems (and the Deep State) been telling us this for almost four years?


I'm sure it's true. It has to be.


Hillary Clinton couldn't possibly have lost the 2016 election just on the basis of her dislikeability, could she?


No, the Russians did it.



More seriously . . .


No one American has yet bothered to identify any of the supposedly Chinese seeds.


Wouldn't that be where anyone with an actually functioning mind would begin?


If the seeds are invasive — which would indeed be bad — wouldn't it be helpful to know?



Maybe the plot thickens?


Perhaps the seeds — which authorities surely took over to Department of Defense's (non-existent) Biowar Forensics Division for identification — were then stolen by the many Chinese and Russian spies that have infiltrated American government at all levels.


Where is Tidy Joe McCarthy when we need him?





It has not occurred to anyone that the Chinese Seed Plot was hatched in, and carried out by, the Central Intelligence Agency's false flag unit.


That may explain why nobody has come up with any facts yet.


The CIA competently hides its tracks. Masters of deception, they are.



"But, Pete, why would the US oligarchy do this via the CIA?"


Consider the Great American Plutocracy's enthusiasm for fomenting war. That tactic, so as to divert the public from recognizing Oligarchy's consistently poverty-making footsteps.


Don't you think that a Deep State decoy operation that blames China for (yet more) alleged nefariousness would be an easy sell?



The moral — The United States gets hysterically stupider every day


Pretty soon we won't be able to wipe our own butts.


This admitted, we can happily reassure ourselves that this increasing lack of brain is not our own doing.


The Russia-China Axis did it to us.


For instance, did you hear that the Axis of New Evil is shipping IQ-depleting air over here in invisible balloons?


Toddling Donny has pictures of these no-see, intelligence-sucking balloons locked up in his Oval Office desk. But Villainous Vlad the Destroyer told him not to show the evidence to anyone.


And President Xi is too busy working on a new pandemic virus to pick up his Huawei phone and answer our questions.


Damn commies.