Democrats' propaganda mill goes into high gear — after Crazy Man 'Hammer Splat' attacks Mother Nan's husband

© 2022 Peter Free


31 October 2022



There is no Depth of manipulative absurdity . . .


. . . that the Plutocratic Establishment will not stoop to —to retain its parasitic grip on our Great American Police State.


Following is one such example.



According to one of our . . .


. . . Deep State-controlled propaganda networks — the hammer-wielding attack on Mother Nan Pelosi's husband is "eerily reminiscent of" the purported attack on American democracy that took place at the Capitol on 06 January 2021.



I was unable to find a transcript (or video record) of this statement.


None (apparently) existed as of this writing.





Some transparently koo-koo San Francisco nutcase attacked some rich guy Democrat — who happens to be married to Congress's incarnation of warmongering airheadedness, Mother Nan — and that event magically became reflexively 'reminiscent' of the ridiculously overstated 'attempted coup' — that never actually took place and was never actually planned — nearly two years ago.


Implicitly, according to this television network, Mother Nan is an Angel of Goodness.


And the idea that her predatory self would upset someone enough to lose his (probably non-existent) wits and attack her obviously not-so-innocent husband is completely beyond the pale of (tolerably righteous) We the People's accountability-seeking behavior.


In fact (according to this Deep State propaganda network) Koo-Koo Man's thinking and actions are identical to the Capitol rioters'.


Who were (we are supposed to infer) equally clearly demented.


And whose behavior was outrageously (and devilishly) evil.


And, therefore, not to be understood on any level.


Prison forever — for all Establishment-resisters — is, we are required to conclude, the only acceptable verdict and outcome.



Deliberately lost in such an idiotic comparison . . .


. . . between a Crazy Man and the average Republican — is the societally worrisome depth and scope of the United States' Pillaging Elite's grip on the American common person's hopes.



'Stay passive, sheep' . . .


. . . is the Deep State's perennial message.


Lie still.


While we rob, rape and murder y'all.



The moral? — If it comes out of the American Elite's mouthbox . . .


. . . it is a Big Lie intended to subjugate human beings.


So that the Übermensch class can feast on our sorry (lame-ass, colloquially speaking) Üntermensch carcasses.