With pusillanimous nitwits like these in charge — does western Europe have any hope of survival?

© 2022 Peter Free


29 April 2022



When it comes to western Europe, words fail


Three examples follow.


All three regard Europeans' brainless reactions to the Russo-Ukrainian War that NATO, at US prompting, provoked.


The first of these responses is (gun to one's head) suicidally stupid.


The other two are just harmlessly full-bore imbecilic.



First example — of European nitwitism


This is the one in which Poland, Bulgaria and Finland have refused to open the Russia-mandated Gazprom ruble accounts with which to pay for Russian gas.


Although Finland is only about 6 to 7 percent dependent on Russian gas, Poland is 50 percent so. And Bulgaria's in the hole, so to speak, at 90 percent.


As a result, Poland came up with the following scheme:



Poland uses around 20 bln cubic meters of gas per year.


Warsaw claims it has found the possibility to abandon Russian gas through purchasing liquified natural gas from the United States and Qatar, as well as gas supplies from offshore Norway.


© 2022 Russian News Agency, Reverse gas supplies from Germany to Poland via Yamal-Europe up more than five-fold, tass.com (27 April 2022)



Why Poland's scheme would work:



when Qatar has already said that it cannot soon produce much more gas than it is already is




other calculations indicate that US LNG supplies will not even exist to be offloaded at overloaded LNG terminals in Europe for some years yet


. . . beats me.



As for Norway, if it had enough gas to replace Poland's dependence on Russia — why wouldn't Norway already have volunteered to save Germany's gas-importing economy?


Given the absence of such a Norwegian offer, one can infer that foolish optimism is floating balloons of Euro versus ruble silliness.


An alternative plan — meaning aside from the Qatar, Norway and the United States illusion — is for other EU countries to middleman-supply Poland and Bulgaria with added quantities of the Russian Federation gas that comes to them.


Same gas, just higher Polish prices due to the rerouting.


This plan assumes that Russia will allow the importing nations to buy more than their individually customary shares, so as to make a theatrical point on Poland and Bulgaria's behalf.


As for Finland, presumably it will make up its customary 6 percent import via other means.


That (of course) is assuming that Finland's by-then NATO-joining self has not been significantly battered — by the Russian military — from the world's too long list of aggressively acting, idiot-led countries.



Second example — of European nitwitism


This one comes from Ryan Merrifield at the United Kingdom's Mirror:



A famous 198-year-old Russian oak tree was been banned from entering the European Tree of the Year competition due to the ongoing invasion in Ukraine.


Planted by novelist Ivan Turgenev, the tree has been disqualified by a panel in Brussels, with a statement citing the "unprecedented aggression against a neighbouring country".


The judges felt they "cannot stand idly by" amid Vladimir Putin's onslaught and so - like others boycotting Russian products and ties - they took swift action.


The tree in question was destroyed by a hurricane last year and the Russian competition liaison said it was "practically killed with your help for the second time".


The competition was founded in 2011 as a way to celebrate historic trees and develop bonds between nations - but organisers have found it impossible to remain separate from global politics.


© 2022 Ryan Merrifield, Famed 198-year-old Russian oak banned from European Tree of the Year contest due to war, Mirror (25 March 2022)



Third example — of European nitwitism


From Summit News:



From next month onwards, Italy will begin rationing electricity to ‘support Ukraine’, with public buildings banned from running air conditioning at lower than 25 degrees or heating higher than 19 degrees.


The plan is being dubbed ‘Operation Thermostat’ and is being hailed as the example for Italians to follow in their own private homes.


Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi promoted the campaign by asking, “Do we want to have peace or do we want to have the air conditioning on?”


Presumably, the ‘price of peace’ is now a permanent reduction in your quality of life.


“I’m not exactly sure how adjusting your thermostat is going to achieve ‘peace’, but hey we’re living in the age of sentimental manipulation over reason, so – just believe,” comments Kit Knightly.


© 2022 Paul Joseph Watson, Italy to Start Rationing Energy to ‘Support Ukraine’, Summit News (25 April 2022)



In sum


The phrase — 'spoiled stupid, ineffectually effete and thoroughly inconsequential' — describes these example-providing Europeans well.



The moral? — Western 'civilization' is certifiably over


Too many Western publics are too Snowflake namby-pampy to survive even a mild spring breeze.


This also seems to apply to the United States. Given that we Americans start wars all over the place, lose them — but now still conclude that provoking Russia and China, at the same time, is a great idea.