With an airy wave of its evidence-denying wand — the Anti-Defamation League declares that Azov Battalion Nazis are not Nazis

© 2022 Peter Free


12 December 2022



Magic is fun, no?


From The Grayzone:



A November 9 email from the Anti-Defamation League to The Grayzone provided a twisted defense of Ukraine’s Azov Battalion. Despite its self-proclaimed “anti-hate” mission, the ADL  insisted in the email it “does not” consider Azov as the “far right group it once was.”


The Azov Battalion is a neo-Nazi unit formally integrated into the US government-backed Ukrainian military. Founded by Andriy Biletsky, who has infamously vowed to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade…against Semite-led untermenschen,” Azov was once widely condemned by Western corporate media and the human rights industry for its association with Nazism.


Then came the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.


In the months that immediately followed, Azov led the Ukrainian military’s defense of Mariupol, the group’s longtime stronghold. As the militia assumed a frontline role in the war against Russia, Western media led a campaign to rebrand Azov as misunderstood freedom fighters while accusing its critics of echoing Kremlin talking points.


The New York Times has even referred to the unit as the “celebrated Azov Battalion.”


Like the Washington Post and other mainstream outlets, the ADL ignored Azov’s atrocities this April in Mariupol, where locals accused the group of using civilians as human shields and executing those who attempted to flee.


One video out of Mariupol showed Azov fighters proudly declaring the Nazi collaborator and mass murderer of Jews, Stepan Bandera, to be their “father.”


© 2022 Alexander Rubinstein, The ADL issues statement declaring Ukraine’s Azov Battalion no longer ‘far-right’, The GrayZone (08 December 2022)



Curious . . .


. . . a Jewish organization camouflaging actual Nazis, as well as their behavior.


For those who do not recall:



The ADL [Anti-Defamation League] recognizes threats to Jewish security coming from an antisemitism that appears in new forms and guises, such as anti-Israel activity and radicalism of the right and left.


The League views itself as being an "active" organization, responding in a timely manner to what are perceived to be threats to the rights and security of Jews.


It sees itself as taking a pragmatic, rather than an ideological, approach to issues.


© 2022 Jewish Virtual Library, Anti-Defamation League, jewishvirtuallibrary.org (visited 12 December 2022)



Remember that last line, in evaluating what follows.



Anyone diligently following reports . . .


. . . from the ground in war-torn Ukraine, knows that the ADL is up to something nasty with its above-quoted Ukrainian Nazism-denying statement.


And anyone familiar with the United States' Nazi-sustaining and promoting work in Ukraine — after World War 2 and including the US-supported neo-Nazi Maidan coup in 2014 — knows the same thing.



The only reason that the ADL gets away with its above-quoted nonsense . . .


. . . is Americans' complete — and deliberately complacent — ignorance, regarding History and all things foreign.



So, what's the ADL actually up to?


Answer — aligning itself with US and Israeli neocon profit-takers.


Whose goals have to do with hanging onto the Western Oligarchy's pillaging, plundering and imperial ways.


Maintaining our Western grasp on the planet's lucre means, pragmatically speaking — (recall the Jewish Virtual Library's assessment of the ADL's pragmatic approach?) — that the ADL must keep cultivating the American Military Industrial Complex.


If they do not, the ADL's self-stated Jewish defense mission is going to lose a whole lot of kill-em-dead clout.


In short:



achieving the ADL's Jewish Folk-defending goal requires


aligning itself with America's burgeoning supply of neocon fascists


and Israel's equivalently same,


as well as actual Ukrainian Nazis,


all of the above occurring


so as to keep the Permanent War Ball


that the US Military Industrial Complex thrives on


happily bouncing in other people's blood.



The moral? — The collective West's propaganda minions . . .


. . . do not mind lying.


Just like Goebbels and Himmler. Whose spirits appear to live on in descendants of their former victims.


A curious spiritual twist, don't you think?



The once butchered seem to have taken on the despicable souls of their torturers. Who now live again to repeat a Ukrainian (US-sponsored) Nazi hell on Earth.


These ADL fascist propaganda minions even going so far as to announce that a self-labeled, swastika-tattooed, people-slaughtering Ukrainian Nazi Battalion is not.



Follow 'the' money.


In its pot, bubbles actuality.