Will an American backlash erupt soon?

© 2020 Peter Free


21 July 2020



'Experts' and the media Lamestream have ganged up . . .


. . . to make everything American seem bad.


Backlash against this tear-it-all-down (pretend-Leftist) quasi-idiocy is probably going to surface soon.


Revolt is percolating in the minds and guts of lots of common-sense-laden Americans.


They are repulsed by the ideas of:



imposing racism to eliminate racism




brainwashing Whites into self-hating.



Of these circumstances


Philip Giraldi recently wrote that:



So “everyone” is training to shoot and buying new weapons, and it is even being reported that break-ins to steal guns from sporting goods shops are increasing dramatically.


[C]onfidence among people that the state will keep them safe is at the vanishing point.


Even the mainstream media has noticed the spike in gun sales, but they predictably use that fact to explain the surge in gun homicides across the country in the past several months.


More weapons, per The Washington Post, means more armed racist white people are out on the streets raising hell, but it ignores the fact that the gun deaths have been overwhelmingly black-on-black, as has always been the case.


The United States is troubled by a pandemic that the government seems unable to respond to which has produced record unemployment and bankruptcies.


Meanwhile, guns and liquor and even coins are in demand while frightened citizens are building home defenses.


And much of the government . . . acts like it is either on the side of or afraid of the destroyers.


America certainly has always had flaws but it was once a land of opportunity where people could prosper and enjoy more freedom than nearly anywhere else.


Watch a once proud country with a resilient and hard-working people come apart before your very eyes.


© 2020 Philip Giraldi, A Nation Falling Apart, American Herald Tribune (21 July 2020)



A sizeable portion of "We the People" . . .


. . . probably think the same thing.


Don't confuse their common sense with set-in-stone bigotry or stupidity.


Theirs is the ethos that built the non-slave-owning part of this nation. See here, for example.



Not long ago . . .


. . . lots of people on the planet wanted to live in the United States.


That tells us something.



The moral? — The same Elites, who created and continue to exacerbate . . .


. . . most of the United States' present difficulties — are the ones now pretending to tell us how to fix them.


Be suspicious.


Elites' agendas are never about benefiting ordinary folk.


Nor are they about fostering Freedom for All.