When given dubiously valid inches, should you bite off a an astonishingly invalid mile? — Lindsey Graham and his proposed Federal abortion ban

© 2022 Peter Free


14 September 2022



Stupidity and bad faith . . .


. . . are American politicians' two primary cudgels of power.



For example


If the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision suggests anything, it is that the majority suspects that abortion should be left to the various leanings of the individual states.


And not, constitutionally speaking, to any centralized American entity.



Thus, with that arguably unavoidable interpretation . . .


. . . on this nation's Book of Last Legal Resort — what does the perennial warmonger and lawyer pissant, Senator Lindsey Graham, do?



He rushes off to Congress to introduce Congressional legislation that would mandate a national abortion ban.



So much for the (states decide) federalism that is, arguably strongly, implied by the Supreme Court's Dobbs opinion.



In this regard, consider the constitutional difficulty that the Court would have (in approving a national abortion ban) — if a State were to reasonably argue that its constitution conveys more rights than the national one does?



The moral? — If the United States wants to save itself . . .


. . . from our accelerating rate of national self-destruction — we are going to have to start ridding ourselves of these Graham-like, bad faith Manipulators of Manufactured Chaos.