We will still be shouting from our German graves — promises Olaf Scholz — while Britain wallows in equally hysterical delusion

© 2022 Peter Free


19 July 2022



The West's Imperial Team is a laughable bunch


Any genuinely sensible person on it would die of embarrassment.



Take Germany


Chancellor Olaf Scholz is such a gargantuanly Pissant Ass, that he deserves a Ridiculousness Medal of some kind.


Thus today, I return to my yesterday's theme with the following, additionally illustrating, tidbit:



[It]t is . . . clear that not a single one of these [anti-Russia] sanctions will be withdrawn in case of peace, dictated by Russia.


There is no other path for an agreement with Ukraine for Russia than the one that could be accepted by the Ukrainians.


© 2022 TASS, EU to keep sanctions if peace in Ukraine signed on Russia’s terms — Germany’s Scholz, tass.com (17 July 2022)



In other words


The Nazi-directed Ukrainian loser of the Russo-Ukrainian War will dictate the terms of the subsequent peace.


Germany, Scholz promises, will see to that.


Even if it means that every German freezes to death in that once respect-worthy nation's soon to be gas-deprived (and therefore deindustrialized) darkness.


Principle is principle, implies the Chancellor, with a world class wimp's laughably ineffectual wrath.



Then, there's equally deluded Britain


Britain's only remaining skill seems to be its capacity for generating low quality propaganda that should (in a more ideal world) mislead only sloth-filled ignoramuses.


See, for instance:



BBC News, Russian army is struggling with morale against Ukraine, UK defence chief says - BBC News, YouTube (17 July 2022)



The above video clip . . .


. . . shows the United Kingdom's Chief of Defence Staff — Admiral Sir Antony Radakin — eagerly cooperating with one of the BBC's propaganda anchors in repeating what was, even at that time, already thoroughly disproven Western Happy Talk.


Evidently for the Brits — and the warmongering BBC's brainwashing specialists — investigation and facts do not exist:



Down is up.


Gravity lofts even powerless aircraft.


And the continually advancing Russian 'special military operation' (in Ukraine) is really going backwards.


Soon — Radakin and the BBC would have us believe — Russia will dissolve itself into passels of fragmented populations of ant-equivalents, who will be eagerly begging the Noble West to steal their resources.



A more concise example (than the above video clip) of the West's malevolent moron-i-tude is unlikely to spring to our attention.


For his part, Radakin does a superb emulation of an impressively suited, wannabe authoritative fool.





Regarding Britain's underlying military powerlessness — and thus, presumably, its addiction to Big Time Lying — consider the following news, from just a year ago:



The size of the Army is to be reduced to 72,500 soldiers by 2025 as part of a move towards drones and cyber warfare.


Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said "increased deployability and technological advantage" meant greater effect could be delivered by fewer people.


He set out plans for new capabilities such as electronic warfare and drones in the Commons.


Labour has warned that "size matters" when it comes to defence.


Announcing a major overhaul of the armed forces, Mr Wallace said it marked a shift from "mass mobilisation to information age speed", insisting they must be able to "seek out and understand" new threats to the country's security.


© 2022 BBC News, Defence review: British army to be cut to 72,500 troops by 2025, bbc.com (22 March 2021)



This is the same cartoonish (meaning horseshit) 'revolution in military affairs' nonsense that took over the US military many years ago. And has aggravated our American penchant for warmongering our way into one strategic defeat after another.


Scott Ritter examines the Brits' equally fatuous pomposity here:



Scott Ritter, London falling: Britain's military decline exposes NATO's collapse in credibility and capability, RT (17 July 2022)



The moral? —  We're gonna fall a bunch'a rungs . . .


. . . on Western Imperialism's suicidally unhappy ladder.


This fall in global influence is not an unfitting end to a saga in which American leadership devolved from:



the already bottom-barrel choice


represented by a narcissistically lazy, incompetent and tantruming pseudo-toddler




a visibly brain-dead Sock Puppet President.



Somewhere, I imagine, there must be a Cosmic Ventriloquist running this show.


There are times when I wish the Simulation Hypothesis were true.


At least then, it would not — at least debatably — be all our own fault(s).