We are living in a place thematically like communist China and the old Soviet Union

© 2021 Peter Free


13 December 2021



Sieg Heil!


John Pilger, one of Julian Assange's most prominently articulate defenders, tweeted this, three days ago:



The High Court has ruled that Julian #Assange can be extradited to the US.


"How can it be fair, how can it be right, how can it be possible, to extradite Julian to the very country which plotted to kill him?" said Stella Moris.


Mark this day as fascism casts off its disguises.



In that general regard — and focusing on incessant America propaganda:


William Astore wrote that:



Remember Tass, the state news agency for the former Soviet Union?


I was thinking of it as I watched PBS on Friday.


Two commentators, David Brooks and Jonathan Capehart, respectively with the New York Times and the Washington Post, covered the leading news items of the week.


Of course, there was nothing said about the colossal war budget passed by the House ($778 billion, which is actually an undercount); there was nothing said about the continued persecution of Julian Assange by the U.S. government; and indeed there was nothing said about the sham democracy summit overseen by Joe Biden.


The topics covered were Bob Dole’s death and the good old days of compromise in Washington, a general condemnation of Trump and polarization, and some concern about inflation, which was dismissed as evidence of an expanding economy.


PBS used to be a halfway decent news source; now it relies far too heavily on corporate funding and is afraid of losing its government funding as well.


So it’s become a state propaganda network, much like Tass was in the USSR.


© 2021 W. J. Astore, It’s all so saddening and maddening, Bracing Views (12 December 2021)



I have been unable to watch PBS . . .


. . . for more than a few seconds, for years now.


PBS News is like non-stop totalitarian propaganda pretending to be accurate. Quintessentially Deep State in its slants and omissions.


Judy Woodruff, the PBS NewsHour anchor, is like a the Wicked Witch of the West in soporific milquetoast form.


She never tells you that she is injecting Death Juice into your sleeping body. As she pretends to interview knowledgeable and unbiased people — while they extoll the virtues of the Great American Plutocracy. Predominantly so, by methods of soft-voiced distraction and blatant omission.


PBS drivel is kind'a like a sappy milk drool that continually misses every meaningful point to human existence.


At least the other networks, arguably, have the 'decency' to be blitheringly incredible on their faces.



Last night, for instance


I was listening to ABC News' David Muir quasi-breathlessly intoning about the terrible tornadoes that obliterated significant parts of Kentucky and other states.


His characteristically subdued-yet-frenetic tonal delivery — adopted no matter the trivialness (or not) of the subject — is indicative of American media these days.


Meaning the Lamestream's always anxiety-provoking, very amplified collected voices. All of which point (daily) toward our individually personal, lurking and very imminent forms of vaguely delivered destruction.


Judging by the American Lamestream's continually jolting edge, one would think that present-day US life was a second-by-second trial by combat against overwhelming odds and unspeakable future torture.


Listen to us, is their message, or you will surely die.



The moral? — Nazi bureaucrats, Soviet apparatchiks and Mao's Little Red Book have taken over in the United States


The American Oligarchy's methods of oppression and truth elimination are the same. So is their motive.


American fascism, as Pilger concludes, has abandoned its disguises. Anyone who possesses a deci-gram of self-protective sense should recognize this.


Think and act accordingly.