Vengeance as political concept — America's plundering Federal Government

© 2020 Peter Free


27 March 2020



The COVID profiteering racket has — "Made in USA" — stamped all over it


First, American government ensured that the nation was 100 percent unprepared for epidemic and biowarfare. Despite its constant pretending that national security is its trillions-of-dollars most important concern.


Then, when an aggressive pandemic did raise its head, the same government sat still for months — doing nothing at all to protect Americans.


In stage three, the pandemic finally came to us and began killing appreciable numbers of Americans. Including sickening medical providers and workers, who lacked the necessary supplies of protective gear to keep them safe.


And yet — still not content with those astonishing levels of previously displayed Social Contract-negating incompetence — the American President continues to refuse to:


coordinate and price cap


the supply and sale of medical supplies


(also held scarce, as a matter of previous national policy)


and further


the Feds themselves have joined the free-for-all price-gouging war


that directly profits the very same Plutocrats


who lobby Government officials on a daily basis




whose constant flow of money and propaganda


keep these Government Adam Henrys in their wallet-pilfering jobs.



Last . . .


To top this chain of serial graft off — "Toddling Donny" Trump now merrily claims that these poverty-inducing "shortage" difficulties are exclusively for the individual American States to sort.


As a result, still more people die.


And state and lesser jurisdictions bankrupt themselves (of your tax-provided dollars) trying to save everyone.




The medical journal, The Lancet, published this . . .


. . . depressing, but accurate assessment from Sarah Dalglish at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (USA):



The US and UK Governments have provided among the world's worst responses to the pandemic, with sheer lies and incompetence from the former, and near-criminal delays and obfuscation from the latter.


Neither country has widespread testing available . . . alongside treatment and robust contact tracing.


In neither country do health workers have adequate access to personal protective equipment; nor are there nearly enough hospital beds to accommodate the onslaught of patients.


Even worse, by refusing to ease sanctions against Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba, the US has crippled the ability of other countries to respond, continuing to block medical supplies and other humanitarian aid.


Meanwhile, Asian countries, including China, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan, have provided rapid, effective, and often innovative responses, thanks in part to their recent experience with outbreaks of Middle East respiratory syndrome in 2015 and the 2002–03 severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic.


China has convened hundreds of foreign officials to share lessons, and dispatched experts, masks and other supplies to Italy and other affected countries.


Cuba has also sent doctors to help with the response, and welcomed sick cruise ship passengers refused entry by the USA.


© 2020 Sarah L. Dalglish, COVID-19 gives the lie to global health expertise, Lancet, 395: 10229, DOI: (26 March 2020)



Vengeance as a political concept


As I have said previously, I am not a nice man. You try to kill me, family or friends — and I will get you. You won't be happy anymore. Ever.


This anciently valid concept needs to translate itself into the American accountability arena.


Suffering citizens need to hold Oligarchs and Government-sponsored thieves and torturers to societal account.


Throw off laissez-faire capitalist propaganda's neck-circling rope.



The moral? — We will remain enslaved and bleeding, until we toss these chains


We mostly know who these wealth-stealing murderers are. A little corrective motivation sent their way would elicit humanity-benefiting change.


Vengeance is useful. Give Corpulent Corporatists fear-induced diarrhea. Make them squeal and squirm.


Metaphorically speaking, I would like to see the nation's Plutocratic Parasites race-waddling in terror — their excessive flesh jiggling and their tails stained brown — for their miserably nasty lives.


Grandma Nell and Great Uncle Fred, as well as immune-compromised Lucy-May, will thank you.


You might feel better, too. It is spiritually uplifting to feel capable and self-directed again.


Keep in mind that Rabble-sponsored counter-vengeance has repeatedly defeated the "Greatest Military" in the world.


One just has to get angry enough to stand up for oneself. Imagine that. People freeing themselves from Looting Leeches' Yoke.


Isn't that what "democracy" is for?