Unbelievably Stupid American Policy Makers Are at It again — This Time Selling Anti-ISIS Kurds Out

© 2015 Peter Free


30 July 2015



It appears that the words “Americans” and “intelligent strategy” cannot be used in the same book — and never ever on the same page


The Bush 2 and Obama Administrations seem to vying for top spot as the most consistently witlessly malevolent in American history.


I was going to vent regarding throwing the Kurds under the careening American “Non-Strategy Bus” — but Stephan Richter did it for me:



U.S. policy on Iraq, Syria and the surrounding countries seems to have been left solely in the hands of amateurs in the White House. That is not a partisan statement, for it applies to both the current and previous occupants.


The latest foolhardy decision seems to have been a deal long sought by the United States to move the “strategy” against ISIS forward. It is worth recalling that the terrorist organization is de facto an American creation resulting from the completely ill advised Iraq policy under George W. Bush.


In the blinding desire to destroy ISIS, Mr. Obama and his team were so keen on getting rights to use Turkish air bases that they completely forgot about the dark side of Mr. Erdogan.


No sooner had the agreement on bases been reached than Turkey’s own aircraft began pounding Kurdish militant targets in northern Syria and Iraq.


Kurdish fighters appear to be a much bigger target of the Turkish Air Force than the ISIS fighters.


The U.S. military is now helping Turkey’s hardliners achieve their goals against the very Kurdish fighters whose close coordination with U.S. bombers have pushed ISIS back from Kobane and disrupted its supply lines. All the while, Turkey sat on its hands and refused to halt lucrative ISIS smuggling.


[T]he Americans managed to sell out the Kurds, perhaps Syria’s only remaining true “freedom fighters” . . . .


In the world of realpolitik [see here], it might be – barely – justifiable, for a true cynic and schemer, to sell out the Kurds, if it meant achieving some much greater goal . . . [provided, of course,] that the underlying strategy has any prayer of succeeding.


It does not.


© 2015 Stephan Richter, Selling Out the Kurds, The Globalist (29 July 2015) (extracts)


This is, by the way, the third time in recent years that we have casually tossed the courageously helpful Kurds to their deaths. (See here. With a representative personal reaction, here.)


This is why I use the term “witlessly malevolent” to describe American foreign policy.



How nationally admirable is this duplicitous trait?


The term “United States” has arguably come to signify a bunch of untrustworthy, murderous dopes.


I am angry because my word and my friendship, as an American, have always been my bond.


We Yanks — especially those serving abroad — do not need cowardly Machiavelli wannabe pinheads, apparently now continually associated with whomever is in the White House, diluting what it means to be “us”.



The moral? — Our leaders mutilate even the people, who do what we ask


Talk about eviscerating the United States’ soft power.


Is it really possible to be this stupid?


Are Harvard and Yale incapable of teaching even gifted people like President Obama and pleasantly average-man George W. Bush anything at all?


Is this a failure of American culture, integrity and/or mind?