The more incompetent the behemoth US security state becomes — the more of it we need — says the US Establishment

© 2021 Peter Free


03 March 2021



Theme — vicious incompetence always wants to expand itself


In January, the GrayZone drily observed that:



Rather than prioritize accountability for US intelligence officials’ failure to prevent the pro-Trump mob attack on the Capitol, the incident is instead being used to expand the national security state’s powers.


© 2021 Max Blumenthal and Aaron Maté, Mob mentality: Capitol riot exploited to expand the national security state that failed to stop it, GrayZone (21 January 2021)



I had previously commented, in detail, about this hysteria-fueling trend. See here, here and here.



Sure enough, again, just yesterday . . .


. . . FBI director, Christopher Wray told Congress — referring to the Capitol Riot of 06 January 2021 — that:



That attack, that siege, was criminal behavior, plain and simple. And it's behavior that we, the FBI, view as domestic terrorism.


The problem of domestic terrorism has been metastasizing across the country for a long time now. And it's not going away any time soon.


In fact, we've viewed it as such a critical threat that back in June of 2019, under my leadership, we elevated racially and ethnically motivated violent extremism to our highest threat priority. On the same level with ISIS and home-grown violent extremists.


© 2021 CBS News, FBI Director Christopher Wray testifies on Capitol assault and domestic terrorism, YouTube (02 March 2021)



Sure, Chris . . .


We can all see that there are Right Wing Trumpists all over the country — metastasizing themselves into wanna-burn-cops arsons, vicious assaults and rambunctious rampages.


Why, it's almost as bad as last year's BLM and Antifa protest-riots.


Oh wait, those last two crews were not domestic terrorists, you say?


And the Trumpists didn't even try to burn anyone up?


And all they really did was take an illegal, flesh-pressing tour of the Capitol?


And the only person murdered, was an unarmed 'someone' killed by a cop?


You mean that riot?


Are we in the same country?



FBI Director Wray spoke in the smarmy . . .


. . . gravitas-laden, royal 'we' (Stooge Cabal) way that all these Deep State guys seem to adopt.


Arguably worse, Wray — as evidenced by the above-linked video testimony — appears to be an even more self-righteously conceited, self-satisfied, pretention-oozing — Manipulator of the Masses — than his immediate predecessor — the apparently coup-attempting — James Comey was.



With regard to Wray's oleaginous finger-pointing . . .


Paul Craig Roberts said that:



Trump’s Justice Department appointments were the worst imaginable. It is hard to imagine worst appointments than Sessions, Barr, Rosenstein, and Wray.


It took Trump forever to get rid of Obama’s Comey, only to appoint an even worse FBI director—Christopher Wray.


Yesterday Wray told the US Senate that only Trumpers were responsible for the January 6 “riot,” and that there was no involvement of Antifa and trouble-makers pretending to be Trump supporters.


Wray told this lie despite the fact that the FBI has arrested Antifa activist John Sullivan who repeatedly exhorted Trump supporters to enter the Capitol.


Even the anti-Trump Washington Post acknowledged the fact . . . . [see here]


Like every Washington bureaucrat, Wray’s main interest is in building his empire.


He lied to the US Senate that domestic terrorism has been metastasizing for years.


Trump is a populist, but the country is too far gone for that.


A revolutionary is required, and the revolutionaries are all on the anti-white woke left.


© 2021 Paul Craig Roberts, Is Trump Really the Answer?, Unz Review (03 March 2021)



Consider Roberts' main point


The Deep State — that Pummeling Arm of the Great American Plutocracy — has a stranglehold on the United States' fake democracy.


An American president is never in actual charge. Witness how closely every one of our commanders in chief, since World War II, has hewed to the Military Industrial Complex and Corporatist line.


Former president Donald Trump, especially, is a good example of the Deep State's ability to nose-ring its opposition.


Not only did Trump's egregious incompetence with respect to choosing 'talent' do him in — so did his sloppy willingness to believe whatever America's many duplicitous generals told him.


Those four stars' (Trump-corralling) mantra might as well have been:



What we don't tell him


and what we don't or do


— do —


he won't know.



Trump had neither the spine, nor the smarts, to make his anti-status-quo initiatives happen.



In short, the US Deep State is always in charge


Paul Craig Roberts observes that it will take a "revolutionary" leader to unseat it.


Sadly, from my perspective, ours is not Mahatma Gandhi territory. Americans are not, despite their claimed religiosities, a notably spiritual people.


Therefore, it would take a French Revolution — followed by a Stalin-esquely thorough purge of the Military Industrial Complex — to fix America's core problems.


Both appear unlikely to happen. Societal motivation, informed revolutionary wit, as well as the required institutional sense are all lacking.



The moral? — Learn to lick and enjoy neck-squishing jackboots


I see virtually no meaningful difference between 2021 America and what the deceased Weimar Republic turned into.


The only distinction is that Germans had substantial 'bad luck' — World War I and aftermath — reasons for their fall from grace.


The US has none. At least, none that are not self-inflicted.


We, as a people, have brought this 'shit' on ourselves. Mostly by being greedy, selfish, ignorant, unobservant, uninsightful, sheep-like and (often) reflexively stupid. All those admirable qualities, courtesy of our unexamined adherence to the American Ayn Rand-ian dream.


Propaganda is — as we should finally be discovering — not a good teacher.


As long as Americans continue to believe what we are told, we will not be going anywhere substantively different from where we are now. And the Establishment's freedom and wealth-leeching charade will continue.


Implicitly, per FBI Director Christopher Wray — learn to lick black leather and be grateful for the privilege.