Speaking of Adam Henrys in power

© 2019 Peter Free


26 February 2019



The obese "white" vacuity in the White House — went after "black" man Spike Lee


He did so in a way that illustrates what "Adam Henry" means in police-ese.


To wit, our illustrious president took issue with Mr. Lee's Academy Awards call for societal love:



Before the world tonight, I give praise to our ancestors who have helped build this country into what it is today, along with the genocide of its native people.


We all connect with our ancestors. We will have love and wisdom regained, we will regain our humanity. It will be a powerful moment.


The 2020 presidential election is around the corner. Let’s all mobilize. Let’s all be on the right side of history.


Make the moral choice between love versus hate. Let’s do the right thing!


© 2019 Ryan Bort, Trump Bashes Spike Lee as ‘Racist’ Hours After Historic Oscars Victory, Rolling Stone (25 February 2019)



Not to be outdone by the happily purple-suited Mr. Lee


President Trump tweeted a boastful retort:



Be nice if Spike Lee could read his notes, or better yet not have to use notes at all, when doing his racist hit on your President, who has done more for African Americans (Criminal Justice Reform, Lowest Unemployment numbers in History, Tax Cuts, etc.) than almost any other Pres!


© 2019 Ryan Bort, Trump Bashes Spike Lee as ‘Racist’ Hours After Historic Oscars Victory, Rolling Stone (25 February 2019)



Apparently, Donald of Orange considers the Presidential Office to have no inherent dignity that is worth quietly guarding.





William Rivers Pitt had been considering why the US presidency is so perfectly embodied by the human atrocity who now occupies it.


Pitt surmised that — here resequenced for clarity with my insertions in italics:



If Donald Trump is the Devil waiting at that moonlit crossroads to tune our guitar at the cost of our souls, [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell drove him there and paid for the gas.


[Historically speaking,] British colonialists sought to peel the land using kidnapped Africans and impoverished Britons, slaughtering and displacing Native peoples wherever and whenever they were encountered.


Wealth must be compounded with wealth, power must be held by the few to wield against the many.


The fiction of democracy provides an illusion of freedom to obscure the looting that was the whole point of the endeavor to begin with.


Mitch McConnell is a highly visible champion of that ideological deception . . . .


[T]he belief that the nation and its population are a gilded platter to be gorged upon, a fertile field to be plundered and despoiled for profit with the people serving as replaceable tools for the aristocracy — is McConnell’s poisoned birthright, and he defends it with all the powers at his disposal, just as his colonial predecessors did.


[McConnell is, alas,] a privileged, compromised, cowardly, racist, sexist, hate-swaddled, power-mad, greed-gorged, double-dealing, fathomless void where all integrity goes to die.


The anger on display from those who have been privileged to own center stage in this society comes from the fact that voices besides their own are finally being widely heard.


© 2019 William Rivers Pitt, Say Goodbye to Mitch McConnell’s America, TruthOut (23 February 2019)





President Trump's whiny objection to Spike Lee's call for a just society.



The moral? — As Pitt says, human representations of History's deflating truths are useful


And who could serve better in this regard than Dumb-Donnie Bloat and Evil Turtleman?


Two people more inviting to cartoon, as being apt representations of Beelzebub's many disciples, I have difficulty imagining.


Gary Cohn's witty description of President Trump as being "less a person than a collection of terrible traits" springs to mind.