Snowflake criticism of the Border Patrol — indicates just how divorced from reality these Cancel Culturists are

© 2021 Peter Free


24 September 2021



Three preliminary premises


First, if a nation is going to be both sovereign and 'apart' — it will have to come up with a means of keeping people from other places out.


Second, when policing large groups of unruly (or potentially unruly) folk — with a much smaller group of 'controllers' — those controllers are going to need some means of extending their reach across large expanses of ground.


Third, a competent leader does not throw his own law enforcement people under the metaphorical bus.



From those three premises, come the following three observations


First, the Biden Administration has reversed former president Trump's policy of having immigrants and asylum-seekers wait outside our borders for admission to the country.


So now, immigrants and asylum-seekers are allowed into the country and released to domestic places — which are often too small to have the political and economic clout to protest that (arguably law-lacking) technique, or even to help the immigrants who are dumped there.


Taken together, both these Biden Era policies disintegrate the concept of controlled borders. How many released immigrants do you think will reliably show up for hearings and court dates in a nation that is ill-equipped to find them again?


Government, idiotically and self-destructively, has become the method and means of sovereignty-squashing border-violations.


Second, when it became obvious that too many Haitian immigrants were being temporarily 'stored' under a bridge in Texas — the Biden Administration (concerned about 'optics') decided to offload them somewhere else.


The Border Patrol was (presumably) ordered to effectuate this removal.


Border Patrol, already under-manned and under-equipped, resorted to using horses to extend its reach — while many of those same Haitian folk (naturally) tried to run away from being evicted from the Promised Land.


Video of the ensuing cattle-like herding effort surfaced.


Snowflakes — most of whom have never ridden a working horse — assumed the Border Patrol agents, atop those horses, were using split reins as whips.


Snowflakes further jumped to the conclusion that the horse-mounted agents, who were sometimes seen twirling rein ends, were doing so in order to lash their presumed Haitian 'targets'.


All of that is bullshit. As anyone from ranch and rodeo country can tell you. See here, for instance.


What is lost in these Snowflakes' jump to negative judgment has been any conception of just how hard it is to keep tabs on people who don't want to be 'tabbed'. Especially so, on rough natural ground.


Horses — in the American west, especially — are an effective means of carrying police authority across unpaved spaces.


Even American cities occasionally use mounted police. The size of the horses allows officers to see over crowds. And these horses' height and bulk have an intimidating effect upon people, who might otherwise consider becoming disorderly and violent.


There is nothing inherently wrong with either of those law enforcement elements.


In fact, one can argue that using horses is conceptually preferable — and certainly more humane — than bringing military armor and the means and arms of war to our streets and lands.


And the idea — generated by obtuse ignoramuses — that horse reins are a method of whipping people is so absurd that it merely demonstrates what a bunch of experience-lacking and urban-coddled stooges they are.


Third, when the Biden Administration's Vice President (Kamala Harris) and its Press Secretary (Jen Psaki) both decried the Border Patrol's innocent behavior as constituting an awful display of inhumanity — they clearly indicated that this Administration is unfit to lead anyone, who is dedicated to serving the American nation.


I can (reasonably safely) guarantee that the Biden Administration has lost virtually all its credibility with:



(a) the American military


as a result of the Administration's deadly Kabul airport withdrawal debacle




(b) US law enforcement


as a consequence of the Administration's public squashing of Border Patrol agents, who were simply doing their job in trying to handle an out-of-control situation that the Administration itself has created.



The moral? — Beware Snowflakes, they are History's mental and emotional trash


As for having elected a man, who clearly manifests signs of dementia, to the American Presidency — what can one say?


Who are the Puppet President's string-manipulators?


Are they also as unrealistically looney as he seems to be?


The United States, increasingly, is losing its grip on any arguably accurate form of reality.