Since when are the medications that President Trump takes anyone's business?

© 2020 Peter Free


19 May 2020



Drowning ourselves in hostile stupidity


Yesterday, PBS News Hour's John Yang chided President Trump for taking hydroxychloroquine prophylactically against COVID-19:



The president's use of the drug outside a hospital setting goes against the Food and Drug Administration's warning about the risk of heart problems.


© 2020 John Yang, As states reopen, Trump says he’s taking hydroxychloroquine, PBS (18 May 2020)



Then, this morning


I woke to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shooting off her (usually lying) mouth about the same concocted 'medical issue':



"As far as the president is concerned, he's our president and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists, especially in his age group and in his, shall we say, weight group, morbidly obese, they say," Pelosi said during an interview with CNN on Monday night.


"So I think it's not a good idea."


© 2020 Melissa Quinn, Pelosi warns against "morbidly obese" Trump taking hydroxychloroquine, CBS News (19 May 2020)



And you picked up a medical license — just when, Nancy?



Two initial observations are relevant


First, how the frick would John Yang know the medication's balance of benefits and risks in the President's private medical context?


Second, the FDA's bullshit about hospital supervision is nonsense — and it contradicts the CDC on the same subject — both as assessed by more than 7 decades of hydroxychloroquine experience in millions, millions and millions of (malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis) patients.


Anyone inquisitive can verify this in a matter of seconds, online.


So, why do these bloated exaggerations about hydroxychloroquine's allegedly questionable safety arise so frequently, these politicized days?



Yes — it is all (exclusively) about money


Less than perfect studies supporting hydroxychloroquine (with and without zinc) — in COVID situations — are sounder than the virtually non-existent ones supporting American Plutocrats' new favorite — Remdesivirfor any condition.


Remdesivir is the drug that Big Pharma and the American Establishment are pushing because, if it can eventually pass FDA scrutiny, it will be on patent and bring in lots of loot.


In contrast, decades old generic hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin (for which there is also some evidence of efficacy even against SARS-CoV-2) will not.


So, there's your motive for the propaganda against the older medications that we are witnessing.


Why save hundreds of thousands of lives — at little profit, using generic drugs — when we can haul in Gargantuan Gold by saving only a few rich (or medically insured) people — by using a new, expensive and little-proven one?


Why indeed?


Isn't killing people for profit the American Plutocracy's way?



The moral? — When it is about pillage and loot (and everything American today is) . . .


. . . the US Establishment does not care about science, medical practice, or personal privacy. Or anything else that requires a measure of soundly reasoned and evidence-supported judgment.


Ergo, John Yang and Nancy Pelosi spew their privacy-intruding, evidence-lacking bilge.


That way, both continue to attract the Big Pharma bucks that directly or indirectly support their propagandizing organizations.


This combination of stupidity, hostility and rampant greed are destroying the United States.