Rapacious American Plutocracy kills people — as well as scientific endeavor — COVID and ivermectin as examples

© 2021 Peter Free


22 September 2021



Theme — you are being brainwashed


Even if you are an American medical professional.





Before you run from the word — 'ivermectin' — in my title, today — as you have been brainwashed to do — read the following two lists of early COVID treatment papers and letters:



Covid Analysis, COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 970 studies, c19early.com (visited 22 September 2021)



Covid Analysis, Database of all ivermectin COVID-19 studies, c19ivermectin.com (visited 22 September 2021)



How did all this escape public and professional attention?


How did Big Pharma bury these citations to sometimes tentatively positive evidence?



Is objectively pursued science dead?


Vinay Prasad (MD, MPH) posted a pessimistic overview of the "state of science".


Prasad is an oncologist and hematologist. As well as a professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at UCSF.


His perspective is that the COVID pandemic has so politicized the United States and global public health that objectively pursued medical science has been dealt a probably fatal blow.


He provides examples of the suppression of truth that occurred during the United States' tottering fight with the pandemic.


Then, he concludes that:



You're [meaning science] doomed because your institutions of higher learning don't have the courage to host debate.


You're doomed because people are more likely to want to vanish you content, than to allow it to persist and let history decide.


And you're doomed because scientific positions and political partisan positions are so intertwined. And we have a group of people, who are just shameless partisans. And they believe what science says is what they themselves say.


The ability to tolerate uncertainty has diminished.


We have to foster, rather than stifle debate. We have to really allow for a broad range of ideas.


© 2021 Vinay Prasad, Will Science Survive COVID19?, YouTube (21 September 2021)



Concerned and thoughtful readers may want to watch the entire 27 minute video


Note that Prasad's emphasis appears to be on Culprit Politics.


Rather than on Corporate Avarice.



Capitalism's Avarice, in my view, is the primary science-fouling demon


Pierre Kory (MD) agrees.


He is one of ivermectin's data-driven COVID-treatment ivermectin proponents:



FLCCC Alliance, Summary of the Evidence for Ivermectin in COVID-19, substack (16 August 2021)



His recent comments reflect my own thinking about Big Pharma's attempt to crush objectively grounded investigations:



TrialSite News, The Media's Viral Lie about Ivermectin Overdoses & Horse Medicine: Dr. Kory Responds, YouTube (20 September 2021)



The above is a 22 minute video. Despite its length, I recommend that open-minded people (who are unfamiliar with the details of what is going on) watch it.


Ivermectin data comes predominantly from third world regions. Places that are too poor to follow Big Pharma's expensive reasoning, even if they wanted to.


Reports of ivermectin's efficacy (in a COVID setting) are ignored and suppressed by the American Mainstream, including prestigious medical journals (heavily influenced by Big Pharma) that refuse to publish papers that suggest that ivermectin may work.


Kory explains how Big Pharma has squashed persuasive evidence from third world and mid-socioeconomic nations' experience with ivermectin's success. This includes encouraging data from India's (most populous in the world) Uttar Pradesh state's public health efforts.


The developed West's anti-ivermectin propaganda campaign has been deliberate. It includes lies about ivermectin's toxicity. Ivermectin is, in truth, one of the safest, most successful and widely used pharmaceuticals on the planet.


Ivermectin is also not predominantly a 'horse de-wormer' — which is how Big Pharma's propagandists, and their captive Lamestream media, like to refer to it. See the above-linked video at 3:50 minute mark.


A favorite among Big Pharma's truth-repression propaganda is the idea that there are no large randomized, controlled trials in favor of ivermectin (or similarly repurposed generics) in the COVID arena.


Conveniently for the Establishment, this criticism does not admit that such trials would require substantial funding, money that Big Pharma and wealthier Governments refuse to provide.


Dr. Kory adds (and I agree) that medical evidence can include experiences and data that do not have the statistically persuasive clout of big trials. Physicians, for example, operate on the basis of personal and network experience every day. Big Pharma's arguments against this source of tentative expertise are disingenuous.


Equally disingenuous, evil even, is Big Pharma's funding of ivermectin trials that are deliberately slanted toward failure, either with regard to:



(a) deliberately planned (knowingly) erroneous dosing or in-disease-progression timing




(b) regarding the intentional statistical misinterpretation of those trials' generated data.



That last is a rather common trick, when data is not going in the direction that biased investigators want.



I realize that . . .


. . . much of what I have said is not in everyone's wheelhouse.


Probably, only those of us who have medical and scientific backgrounds — and have been reading at least some of the papers and letters involved — as well as listening to first-hand accounts regarding clinical COVID practice — will have the information base that is necessary to understand Dr. Kory's points.


The anti-ivermectin campaign has been that successful in closing most people's minds. Including virtually the entirety of the American medical establishment.


So much for rational inquiry in American medicine. Dr. Prasad's point.



The motive for this truth-suppressing propaganda simple


Generics, including ivermectin, are cheap.


Big Pharma does not want their competition.



The moral? — Medical science is being squashed


Greed is the motive.


Propaganda, the tool.


And professionally credentialed mindlessness, the tool's willing co-conspirator.