Prospect of having to "kill the bastards" is becoming more real — Chris Martenson on COVID and oligarchy

© 2020 Peter Free


11 July 2020



Time to throw off the Chains of Avarice?


Dr. Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity and I share humanity-oriented values. We both have taken aim at the American Plutocracy's deadly greed.


He writes that — my comments italicized and bracketed:



SARS-CoV-2 has laid bare our true value systems.


What have been the actions of the US authorities so far?



The Federal Reserve swooped in to assure that the wealthy got even wealthier.


The CDC couldn’t get effective test kits prepared or deployed until months after many other countries did.


$Billions and $billions were smoothly and rapidly delivered to the largest institutions, corporations and wealthiest households.


But only a single $1200 stimulus check has been sent to the poorest of American families.  Well, most of them, but many are still waiting for their stimulus checks.  Every household sandwiched between the rich and the poor has received nothing.



In other words, the Fed has made its #1 priority the preservation of the financial advantages of the already-rich, while the federal government has made clear that public health isn’t really a priority at all.



[Martenson adds that the Catholic Church walked off with $1.4 billion in government handouts to make up for its pedophilia-related financial losses.


In addition to killing and impoverishing ordinary Americans, the US Government is happily sponsoring institutionalized child molesters.]



[T]hat’s the business the federal government is in: protecting the abusers, not the victims.


[E]lites as led by the Federal Reserve won’t deviate from accelerating inequity until being forced to stop.


Whether that will occur via social revolution, the destruction of the purchasing power of the US dollar, or something else, I don’t know.


[M]y advice is to brace for impact.


© 2020 Chris Martenson, A Serious Message From Chris Martenson, (10 July 2020)



I agree


It is time for regular 'Muhrikans to get serious about targeting the entities that need to be eliminated from our parasitic landscape.


As Thomas Jefferson said from the beginning, spilling tyrants' blood is sometimes necessary to the task of preserving Liberty.


If we abandon this possibility, we enslave ourselves.



The moral? — The Second Amendment is ours for a reason — its existence stiffens our spines


People who respect themselves and their peers, should be gathering the will necessary to throw off the United States' establishment-sponsored oppressors.


This country was born in revolution. Part of the mental revolt necessary today, is simply seeing matters as they actually are:



Recognize that Plutocracy's impoverishing oppression and continual pillaging are deadly assaults.


Self-defense is Humanity's innately accorded right.



Allow justice-seeking anger to formulate the necessary Liberty-restoring actions.


The first revolt is always unclouding one's own mind.