Propaganda-fueled stupidity dooms us — and China didn't do it

© 2020 Peter Free


04 April 2020



Caitlin Johnstone (Australia) has an astute eye . . .


. . . for humanity's viciously suicidal silliness.


Here is what she has to say about the United States' response to the COVID-19 pandemic:



Ten million Americans declare unemployment in two weeks and all your government does is give you a $1,200 “advance” on your tax return while bailing out corporations with the largest wealth transfer ever, and some of you are still shrieking about Russia and China. Pathetic fucking tools.


Your rights are evaporating, your government has failed to provide the bare minimum social safety nets during a very manageable pandemic, your nation’s billionaire class has been growing wealthier and wealthier while most of you would struggle to pay a $1000 emergency bill, but sure, China is your real enemy.


Keep in mind that virtually everything you hear from conservatives and mainstream liberals right now is basically just an irrational lashing out over their entire ideology faceplanting in front of the entire world.


© 2020 Caitlin Johnstone, Someone’s Screwing You, And It Ain’t China: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix, (03 April 2020)



Let's think about the "China hate" that is currently being spewed in the United States


Current American propaganda appears to be that China hid its epidemic — and continues to conceal its COVID numbers — and those traits are (implicitly exclusively) why all the rest of the world fell ill and continues to fall over in droves.


Idiotically further, these US-based reality-distortionists want us to believe that China's current untruths have some discernible effect on the United States' ability to control its own portion of the pandemic.


Now tell me, how would this actually work?


China lies about its death rate and that, somehow, crosses the oceans to America and causes us to be blind-sided by something that is already over here and has been for weeks and weeks?



How could our own, thoroughly demonstrated, inability to deal with a pandemic that has been here for weeks still remain China's fault?


Are the facts of the COVID illness not right in front of us — ready to medically unravel — no matter what China did or does?



Forgotten, also, in this flailing nonsense . . .


. . . is the fact that when China finally recognized (or admitted to) what was going on — back in January — it gave the rest of the world at least two to three months of advance warning.


Virtually no one prepared. Least of all, the United States and its markedly Idiot President.


Nevertheless, having squandered every bit of China's warning — and its provision of adequate detail about SARS-CoV-2's characteristics, including the virus's RNA sequencing — the American Propaganda Machine is still blaming Chinese communists for our own nation's:







colossal incompetence


in responding to the zoonotic's threat.



How "the Russians" made it into this lunatic propaganda stream . . .


. . . is an illogically based mystery of its own.



I am no Totalitarian China fan — but


US duplicity, idiocy and accountability-dodging has me intensely hostile to the top-ranking dopes, who run this country.


As well as toward the staggeringly large proportion of easily tricked, mentally and emotionally deficient sheep that live in it.




Because it is these two groups of clueless wastes of (already worthless) sperm, who are dragging the United States down to its swiftly approaching doom.


As Johnstone says, "[S]ome of you are still shrieking about Russia and China. Pathetic fucking tools."


I would go further than she does:



People who buy Establishment propaganda — in the face of obviously massively contradicting evidence —legitimately deserve what eventually will happen to them.


Meaning no money. No prospects. Having become placid foot-mats for the Elites that robbed them blind and finally killed them.



The moral? — Get a grip, American dumbshits


If "pathetic" losers do not care about their own lives enough — to drag in even a glimmer of accurately aimed self-smarts — why should anyone else?


Why, indeed?


I'm pretty darn sure that even Jesus Himself does not "love" this vast American sub-tribe of self-suiciding, perpetually hostile idiots.


"Dumbshit" does not even begin to describe the phenomenon.