Planting seeds for an armed rebellion? — Border Patrol is dumping essentially illegal immigrants into small American towns

© 2021 Peter Free


05 June 2021



Does it get any more nationally dysfunctional than this?


We say that we have national borders, but act as if we do not:



A surge in crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border in recent months has led U.S. Border agents to drop some migrants off at sites in rural American towns, to begin their wait for court hearings. But these towns often lack the means to cope with the influx, even though aid groups have stepped in to help.


© 2021 Dan Lieberman, Lena I. Jackson and David Coles, U.S. Border Patrol is increasingly dropping off migrants in rural areas lacking resources, PBS NewsHour (04 June 2021)




The drop-offs of asylum-seekers in Southern Arizona began roughly a month after President Joe Biden’s inauguration.


Justified by U.S. Customs and Border Protection as a response to capacity and resource issues, the off-loading in rural communities is one example of the Biden administration doubling down and in some ways intensifying a controversial Trump-era practice on the border.


Under President Donald Trump, large groups of asylum-seekers were for a time released in the western city of Yuma, creating major strains on the community. Under Biden, similar releases are now happening in communities a fraction of the size of Yuma and with far fewer resources, creating a fraught and untenable situation for humanitarian aid providers in some of the border’s deadliest areas.


The Biden administration is currently continuing Title 42, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rule pushed through by Trump immigration adviser Stephen Miller that has allowed Border Patrol agents to carry out more than half a million “expulsions” across the Southwest in the past year. The expulsions do not involve a hearing, and they are often completed in a just a couple hours.


As Biden made clear in his first press conference as president, his administration would prefer to use the rule to expel all families who cross the border, but the Mexican government’s refusal to accept certain populations has presented challenges to that effort.


© 2021  Ryan Devereaux, "It's consumed our lives: Volunteers step in as Border Partrol drops migrants off in tiny Arizona towns, The Intercept (14 April 2021)



We're paying attention to what Mexico wants?


Since when did that become a trend?


After all, these are the same people who came through Mexico (with apparently tacit approval) on their way here.



Then, there's this delicious conspiracy twist


One idea rampaging around Republican circles is that Democrats want to welcome immigrants as a way of boosting the numbers of folk who will vote for them in the future.


Ferrying illegals into places that cannot humanely serve them is a way of forcibly outnumbering 'conservative' rural Americans with hordes of eventually Democrat-spawning ones.


Oh, the Machiavellian deviousness.



The problem is American law — and the weak minds who vote for it


By forcing the US to grant court hearings to victims of alleged oppression (or foreign discomfort) — after those folks have courageously managed to illegally infiltrate our borders — we essentially force ourselves into either:



building fenced holding tanks — 'camps' — for them




letting the immigrants loose, while we pretend to do something efficient about their predicament.



The result is more and more (admirably ambitious) immigrants roaming — and later reproducing — in the United States, every year.


Only fools, and the domestically self-interested, would come up with a national integrity-preservation plan like this one.



The moral? — Even without the votes-changing conspiracy plot . . .


. . . a nation that says illegal immigrants are not welcome, but then sprinkles them liberally all over its homeland is not going to stay culturally intact for long.


This influx of optimistic humanity is an international business fueled by the United States' exceedingly obvious refusal to enforce its borders.


And y'all wonder why much of Europe, much more homogeneously minded than we are, has turned to the political right.


We're encouraging the same kind of revolt here.


Given the plethora of firearms in the United States, the ultimate outcome might become immodestly unattractive.