A perceptive back and forth — between Matt Taibbi and Paul Jay — regarding why US politics are as they are

© 2020 Peter Free


12 November 2020



Be grateful for insightful folks


They wash our characteristically muddy windows.



In that vein


Political conservatives and liberals might both appreciate the following back and forth, regarding the just-past US election. It is insightful and demonizes no one, except murdering militarists:



TheAnalysis-News, Matt Taibbi - A Dangerous Moment for the Democratic Party, YouTube (10 November 2020)



One of Jay and Taibbi's welcome points is that . . .


. . . talking down to people, whom one neither communicates with nor understands — here, President Trump's alleged "deplorables" — is unjust, as well as a losing political strategy. See the clip at its 32:00 minute mark.


Another observation addresses how the Lamestream has completely dropped coverage of the working class, beginning by getting rid of reporters who had come from or were associated with it. Subsequently then firing their upper class (but still worker-understanding) replacements.


You may recognize that this attempt to completely eliminate "Labor" from American consciousness typifies the rampaging laissez faire capitalism that dominates American culture.



The moral? — Taibbi and Jay's observations . . .


. . . build a conceptual framework that could deliver a portion of the "bringing together" that the United States could arguably use.


That merit alone, realistically speaking, is probably enough to squash it.


The Plutocratic Establishment wants to keep Americans diverted and divided — via its concocted, miss-the-main-point quarrels.