Pants still down and moving slower than handless sloths — failed state Amerika and COVID

© 2020 Peter Free


02 August 2020



Yesterday, I observed that the United States' COVID management strategy consists of . . .


. . . running inadvertent, mass and uncontrolled experiments to see how quickly we can make SARS-CoV-2 spread.


And that, without collecting significant data about COVID's actual infectiousness, morbidity and mortality in the process.



This is our Grand Plan — obviously designed by Geniuses


In a sanely competent society, suitable epidemiological practice would consist of finding the where the virus is, how it spreads, and what the pandemic's quantified overall Badness Quotient is.


But in the United States:



With schools, universities and businesses pinning their hopes for reopening on rapid coronavirus testing, the Trump administration’s testing czar told Congress on Friday that getting test results within two to three days “is not a possible benchmark we can achieve today.”


But even that sober assessment from Adm[miral] Brett P. Giroir, the assistant secretary for health, most likely did not fully reflect the mounting frustration among patients and health professionals . . . .


[M]any researchers are still grappling with severe shortages of the testing supplies needed to collect samples from patients and process them in laboratories.


That leaves state and local officials without information they need to make critical health decisions, and it creates lags in contact tracing — a necessary tool for controlling the pandemic’s spread.


Coronavirus testing is essential to opening the economy and getting people back to work and school, but it is almost useless if long lag times keep people unnecessarily quarantined for days or allow them to spread the virus while they await their results.


Dr. Giroir insisted that over all, 59 percent of tests report results within three days, and 76 percent within five.


Dr. Giroir’s comments, during a hearing of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis, were met with puzzlement by public health experts, who say testing shortages persist.


In some places, tests cannot be processed at all because of a lack of reagents — the chemicals needed to detect whether the virus is present — or lab capacity.


© 2020 Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Katherine J. Wu, Trump’s Coronavirus Testing Chief Concedes a Lag in Test Results, New York Times (31 July 2020)



A "puzzlement"?


Or are we just unwilling to accept that braggadocious American Leadership is (and has been) diarrhea-lying out its underperforming posterior for months and months?



Operation Stubborn Bleeting Ignorance . . .


. . . is the US COVID (lack of) endeavor's true name.


It has been even less successful than previous operations like Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn.


But hey, we're pretty good at coming up with cool names!



A critical element in this fall-on-our-face failure . . .


. . .  is the (apparently conscious) national decision not to:



seriously gear up


to produce,








SARS-CoV-2 tests —


in a voluminous and timely enough manner


to accomplish anything


epidemiologically worthwhile.



This idiocy goes right along with not producing anywhere close to minimally adequate amounts of medically related personal protective equipment.


Like N95 masks and such.



"Now, really, Pete . . ."


Why insist that the Great American Plutocracy and its bribe-snarfing Government disturb themselves enough to come to the Actual Nation's defense?


We certainly do not want to emulate (in magnitude of effort) those motivated, dastardly efficient Russian commies, who relocated virtually their entire manufacturing base away from invading Nazis during the beginning of World War II.


Even imitating our own admirable (stay-in-place and expand) World War II manufacturing 'surge' seems to be beyond even remote possibility of achievement by this miserably led and operated nation of ours, today.


The descendant seed of that allegedly Greatest Generation has indisputably soured in our American ground.



The moral? — "Indulging predatory sloth" is the United States' new beacon


If one does not grasp the enormity of this societal failure on the United States' part, one has not been paying attention.


This is a country that cannot even keep day-to-day public-benefiting and infrastructure-repairing endeavors going, much less defend itself against widespread biological unpleasantness.


COVID-19 has been a stupendous demonstration of the:









gargantuan boondoggle



. . . that comprises the American national security state.


The American version of the coronavirus pandemic philosophically obliterates US Capitalism's claimed societal worth.


Allegedly "exceptional" US culture lies, ethically smashed, in History's gutter.


Herds of metaphorical Greed Vermin are in the process of piss-flooding us to downstream perdition.


Did you hear that Jeff Bezos raked in $13 billion in just one July 2020 day?


That was while and because we Americans were unnecessarily dying and empty-pocketly looking for food and rent pennies all over the place.


Fight back and live.