Obesely out of breath — Uncle 'Plutocratic' Sam wants to — "slow down China's rate of innovation"

© 2021 Peter Free


03 October 2021



How nationally embarrassing is this?


From CNBC:



Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said Tuesday that the U.S. will rally allies in order to mount pressure on China . . . .


“America is most effective when we work with our allies,” Raimondo told CNBC’s Kayla Tausche in an exclusive interview.


“If we really want to slow down China’s rate of innovation, we need to work with Europe.”


“They’re ripping off our IP, they are not playing by the rules. It’s not a level playing field. And so we need to hold their feet to the fire to make sure that they do that,” she said, adding that Beijing is “not living up to the agreements that they made.”


“We don’t want autocratic governments like China, writing the rules of the road. We together with our allies, who care about privacy, freedom, individual rights, individual protection, we need to write the rules of the road,” Raimondo said.


© 2021 Amanda Macias and Kayla Tausche, U.S. needs to work with Europe to slow China’s innovation rate, Raimondo says, CNBC (28 September 2021)



So, let's see . . .


China is more vigorous, creative and innovative than the United States, so —naturally! — we all should pile onto those folks and squash them.


When the rules that we wrote (to oppress other folks) stop working — we will (certainly and for sure!) just have to get nastier about who actually runs things around here.



Consider IP


The law's intellectual property protections presumably exist to protect innovators from competition, so that they can reap financial rewards from their inventions.


The dark side of this policy is that these 'intellectually protected' innovations — once manufactured — only go to those who can afford to pay for them. Widely spread cultural advances are, thereby, retarded.


Look at, for example, the West's grip on patented COVID vaccines. According to capitalists, the COVID-croaking people in the world's Southern (widely impoverished) Hemisphere do not (and should not) count in the Great Money Calculus.


IP protections dictate (we say) that those money-lacking suckers should die.



Contrast China and to some degree, India


Both of whom figure it is best just to drag humanity forward (so to speak) in an advancement free-for-all.


India, for example, is the planet's biggest producer of inexpensive generic pharmaceuticals. A lot of (difficult-to-argue-with) 'good' goes with that.


And today, China is surging forward on a tide of somewhat similar community-oriented autocratic thinking.


Naturally, western Plutocrats and Corporatists cannot stand this tide of change.


Where's all our Shining Lucre 'gonna' go, they ask.



The moral? — An increasingly lazy, avaricious, imperialistically nasty and politically self-hog-tied United States . . .


. . . is being (daily) shown up by a more vigorous culture located in China.


What to do?





Rather than innovate and build lots'a stuff ourselves


which we could have done over the last few decades —


rather than ship virtually all our manufacturing abroad


so as to further enrich American Fat Cats on the basis of foreign serf-like labor


(while letting our own labor force rot in rags) —


let's gang up and crush those admirably enterprising Chinese folks.



That's the American way, isn't it?


I expect that the PRC's justified response — to Commerce Secretary Raimondo's pile-on suggestion — will be a diplomatically worded — 'Screw y'all'.