Nutcase Germany continues to drown itself in delusions regarding Russia

© 2022 Peter Free


23 April 2022



German leaders' intellects have plummeted . . .


. . . (metaphorically) into a flooded basement's plugged toilet.



Below is Germany's foreign minister . . .


. . . drawing a pie in the sky with her fervid imagination, regarding the Russo-Ukrainian War:



Germany will stop importing oil from Russia by the end of the year, said German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock after a meeting with her Baltic counterparts on Wednesday.


"I therefore say here clearly and unequivocally yes, Germany is also completely phasing out Russian energy imports," said Baerbock.


"We will halve oil by the summer and will be at 0 by the end of the year, and then gas will follow, in a joint European roadmap, because our joint exit, the complete exit of the European Union, is our common strength."


© 2022 Riham Alkousaa and Miranda Murray, Germany will end oil imports from Russia by year end, says minister, Reuters (20 April 2022)



Reality check


Semantically speaking, "energy imports" would include Russian gas.


If so, consider the following from Reuters — my comments enclosed in brackets:



ICIS [Independent Commodity Intelligence Services] analysis data for German supply showed that in December 2021 Russian pipeline gas accounted for 32%, Norwegian gas 20% and Dutch 12%, with storage 22% and the rest from other smaller sources including domestic production.


The chief executive of German utility Uniper (UN01.DE) last month pegged Russia's share of Germany's gas supply at half, although this can fluctuate from month to month.


Germany has 24 bcm of underground caverns of gas storage. A fifth of that is represented by Rehden, a unit owned by storage company Astora which is in turn owned by Russian company Gazprom . As such, total storage capacity could meet a quarter of Germany's annual gas usage.


["Meet a quarter" until, of course, it comes time to refill the storage.]


BAFA [foreign trade statistics office] showed that 34% of Germany's crude oil came from Russia in 2021 and coal group VDKi said 53% of hard coal received by German power generators and steelmakers came from Russia last year.


© 2022 Vera Eckert and Kate Abnett, How dependent is Germany on Russian gas?, Reuters (24 February 2022) (paragraphs resequenced for better clarity)



Those facts — translated


With leaders like Foreign Minister Baerbock, Germany is destined to be shivering in dark and turning nature-dried sticks into eating utensils.


The US-NATO goal of keeping Germany down will have been fulfilled:



The accomplished and insightful British general Hasting Ismay is remembered today largely because of his famous assessment of NATO, offered when he was the alliance’s first secretary general.


The purpose of the new treaty organization founded in 1952, Ismay asserted, was “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”


© 2017 Victor Davis Hanson, Lord Ismay, NATO, and the Old-New World Order, National Review (05 July 2017)



Consider Larry Johnson's similar perspective


He wrote that:



The German role in this clown show is particularly hilarious. They are going to stop importing Russian oil by years end.


But guess what? They are still importing Russia oil and gas and paying rubles.


If Germany goes for an alternative source eventually . . . it means they will be paying a higher price. Higher price for fuel in Germany will reverberate throughout the German economy and will tick up prices in the rest of Europe.


Europe is acting more like a meth addict who is vowing to quit the drug in 8 months but still wants his fix today.


There is no economy in the history of the world that grows and prospers while having to pay higher prices for oil.


I seem to recall that the Weimar Republic in Germany had a go at inflation 100 years ago and that did not work out well for either Germany or the world.


[T]he west persists in its delusion that it is pushing Russia to the brink of collapse.


Psychiatrists have a term for this mental state–it is called projection.


© 2022 Larry Johnson, Russia continues moving west and the West blinks on sanctioning Russian oil, [A Son of the New American Revolution] (23 April 2022)



The moral? — German leadership combines misdirected hysteria with appalling levels of stupidity


As someone who lived in Germany for three years — and highly respected Germany and Germans — my disappointed take on the cause of their currently frenzied rush toward self-destruction is notably sour.


See here.