Now that the United States has proxied about 450 000 Ukrainian troops to death — we are going to make up an excuse to leave Ukraine unassisted

© 2023 Peter Free


27 September 2023



Easily the most despicably cowardly and viciously led nation in the world . . .


. . . the neocon-governed United States is going to pull the plug on the horrific Ukraine War that it provoked.


The ruse for doing so — typically American Neocon in its dripping pusillanimity and dishonor — goes as follows:



The U.S. government wants Ukraine to undertake a series of very specific strict anti-corruption measures in exchange for aid to help the Eastern European country fight the Russian invasion.


According to the Ukrainian newspaper Pravda, which leaked U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor Mike Pyle’s missive to the Donor Coordination Platform, the White House is demanding specific reforms to the courts, the Ministry of Defense and the agencies that regulate state-owned enterprises, among other demands.


These actions are to be carried out within various timeframes that range from three months (for the most urgent concerns) to a year and a half for the most complicated issues.


The U.S. letter demanding that corruption be addressed specifically mentions some of those cases: the White House insists that, within one year, the Ministry of Defense must adapt to NATO standards for transparency and accountability.


© 2023 Macarena Vidal Liy and Cristian Segura, The US demands anti-corruption measures from Ukraine in exchange for economic aid, El País ()



Having killed off most of Ukraine's most vigorously able male youth — and persistently refusing to let Ukraine negotiate a peace — the United States is now pretending that it had no idea how corrupt a Pit of Hell the place has been.


This so, despite the fact that Ukraine is where top names in the United States knowingly have gone to loot, pilfer and make themselves rich, while swimming happily in Ukraine's corruption mire.



The moral? — If the United States is your friend, you'll eventually get a knife in the back


That's how American government — and the globalist corporatist class that runs it — operates.


Admirable stuff.