Not looking ahead is an American business and national security principle — COVID-19

© 2020 Peter Free


28 April 2020



How does business short-sightedness and plutocratic greed differ from . . .


. . . for instance — parasitically antisocial stupidity?


Ya got me.



Watch Tucker Carlson prod former McKinsey & Company senior partner . . .


. . . Peter Walker to confess that American business people are too dimwitted — here meaning selfishly predatory — to look beyond whatever is currently fashionable Free Trade group think.





McKinsey is one of the many companies that enthusiastically boosted the sweeping transfer of American manufacturing to China.



In addressing the then (and still now) dominant idea that Free Trade is great, Walker said that:



"How many Americans would have imagined that most of the ingredients for pharmaceuticals came from China and you're vulnerable . . . .


"I just don't think people really paid attention to attention to what are the risks — what are the consequences . . . ."


Fox News, Tucker shreds former McKinsey partner over China's human rights violations, YouTube (23 April 2020) (at 11:56 minutes into the video)



Well, as a rough guess, Mr. Walker


I would bet that anyone with a functioning brain — meaning that they are both motivated and able to tie their shoes before going on a hike — would have thought of those things.


Especially, our multitrillion dollar Defense and Security establishments.



This kind of accountability dodging is typical . . .


. . . of the United States' parasitic capitalist and political class.


"Who knew?"— they say — whenever the society-destroying consequences of their rapacious practices come to light.



Professor Richard Wolff retorts . . .


. . . this way:



The U.S. government’s policy in the face of the current capitalist crash is to “return the economy to the pre-coronavirus normal.”




In that “normal” system, private capitalists maximized profits by not producing the tests, masks, ventilators, beds, etc., needed when coronavirus hit.


Profit-driven capitalism proved extremely inefficient in its response to the virus.


Wealth already lost from the coronavirus far exceeds what it would have cost to prepare properly.


© 2020 Richard D. Wolff, Capitalism Can’t Be Repaired, Coronavirus Shows Its Huge Weaknesses, CounterPunch (27 April 2020)



Yes, indeed.


Not to mention accounting for all the Liberty already lost in the capitalist-inspired COVID-19 process.



So . . .


Why would anyone sensible want to return to a system:



that is so antisocial


that it automatically and callously


kills off tens of thousands of Americans


for no rationally explicable reason


other than Rampant Greed?



The moral? — I do not want to return to Situation American Normal


Neither should you.


Unless, of course, you are one of the Fat Cat Vermin who has been predatorily looting the rest of the world's 99 percent.