Neo-Nazi terror looms? — US propaganda machine bleats on

© 2021 Peter Free


14 January 2021



"Your chains — put them on"


Let's glance at the Liberty-removing way that American Oligarchy is reacting to the just-passed Capitol riot.


Plutocracy's minions have labeled these Capitol rioters as "right wing terrorists".



We all know what happens to "terrorists" . . .


. . . and to people who associate with terrorists, people who are near terrorists — or even people who are of the same age as terrorists.


Remember President Obama's drone-murder protocols?



Am I exaggerating?


Let's see.



Vigorously escalated fearmongering


The FBI leaked the following story:



Starting this week and running through at least Inauguration Day, armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols and at the U.S. Capitol, according to an internal FBI bulletin obtained by ABC News.


The FBI has also received information in recent days on a group calling for “storming” state, local and federal government courthouses and administrative buildings in the event President Donald Trump is removed from office prior to Inauguration Day.


The group is also planning to “storm” government offices in every state the day President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated, regardless of whether the states certified electoral votes for Biden or Trump.


© 2021 Aaron Katersky and Celia Darrough, Armed protests being planned at all 50 state capitols, FBI bulletin says, ABC News (11 January 2021)



The source of this information is, almost certainly . . .


. . . the same Deep State cabal that concocted Russiagate.


The cabal then stuck with those lies through four years of trying to "insurrectionize" President Trump off his marble-surrounded throne.



And now, another horror show


Democrats and Lamestream have picked up the FBI's propaganda blurb and are cavorting with it.


For example, Amy Goodman (at Democracy Now!) summarized the "news" this way:



This comes as authorities are warning of more Right Wing violence around Joe Biden's inauguration, January 20th.


The FBI's warned that possible armed, irate protests are being planned in all 50 state capitols — plus the US Capitol — beginning January 16th.


In Washington, 16,000 members of the National Guard are expected to be deployed ahead of the inauguration.


The New York Times reports that the Pentagon is preparing for a number of nightmare scenarios, including snipers targeting attendees of the inauguration, drone attacks, and suicide-type aircraft.


© 2021 Amy Goodman, America Has Entered the Weimar Era: Walden Bello on How Neoliberalism Fueled Trump & Violent Right, (12 January 2021)



"Drone attacks and suicide-type aircraft"


Plural, huh?


I am surprised that the FBI list is missing:



bomb-carrying sex robots


(imported from Japan by billionaire Trumpists)



machete-wielding meth addicts


(scooped from among the American homeless by demon-eyed KKK plotters)



zombie plantation owners


(for the "whites only" principle embodied in 2021's Confederate resurrection)



as well as



dirty nukes


(provided by the world-wide conspiracy against the United States' shining light).




The moral? — Plutocratic corporatism consistently tries to enslave us


If we buy this FBI-generated crap — and its coming Liberty-squashing consequences — we are missing a substantial number of self-protective marbles.


Stay sane.


Be skeptical.


Resist fear-generated enslavement.