Money-grubbing hystericalists are at it again — 'Mega-mutated' Botswana SARS-CoV-2 variant is 'gonna' get us all

© 2021 Peter Free


27 November 2021



"Mega-mutated" — the new COVID propaganda word


Predictably — given COVID Maoists' attempts to get everyone to beg for third (and maybe fourth) shots of COVID vaccines — a "mega-mutated" new SARS-CoV-2 variant has conveniently emerged in Botswana:



Concern over a mega-mutated strain of COVID has grown in the last 24 hours, with the new variant spreading fast in South Africa and cases now have been detected in Belgium, Israel and Hong Kong.


Scientists are rushing to determine how transmissible the strain is, whether it’s more likely to evade the vaccine, and whether it causes more severe illness than other versions.


“This is clearly a variant that we must be very serious about,” Ravindra Gupta, professor of clinical microbiology at the University of Cambridge, told the Associated Press.


At the moment, the number of documented cases of B.1.1.529 is small—around 100—but health officials fear it may be fueling a dramatic surge in new cases in South Africa.


The country—where less than half of all adults are vaccinated—went from about 200 new cases a day to 10 times that on Thursday.


“Early indications show this variant may be more transmissible than the Delta variant and current vaccines may be less effective against it,” British Health Secretary Sajid Javid said.


“We must move quickly and at the earliest possible moment.”


© 2021 Tracy Connor, Scientists Raise Alarm About Mega-Mutated ‘Omicron’ COVID Strain, Daily Beast (25 November 2021)



Tomorrow is pregnant with Doom


Consider the Prophesying Semantics:



raise alarm




grown in the last 24 hours


spreading fast


detected Belgium, Israel and Hong Kong




more severe illness


very serious


fueling a dramatic surge


10 times that


more transmissible


vaccines may be less effective


move quickly and at the earliest possible moment


— !!!! —



That code-word "omicron" — means that we're all 'gonna' die — doesn't it?


Here I am one day.


And apparently tomorrow, 10 times more people — probably including you and me — will be falling over in the streets.


Humanity will be as extinct as dinosaurs, by the end of the month.



Lament . . .


. . .  early and often.



To its partial credit . . .


. . . The Guardian closed its alarm-ringing with some common sense:



Prof Francois Balloux, the director of the UCL Genetics Institute, said the large number of mutations in the variant apparently accumulated in a “single burst”, suggesting it may have evolved during a chronic infection in a person with a weakened immune system, possibly an untreated HIV/Aids patient.


“I would definitely expect it to be poorly recognised by neutralising antibodies relative to Alpha or Delta,” he said.


“It is difficult to predict how transmissible it may be at this stage. For the time being it should be closely monitored and analysed, but there is no reason to get overly concerned unless it starts going up in frequency in the near future.”


© 2021 Ian Sample, Scientists warn of new Covid variant with high number of mutations, The Guardian (24 November 2021)



The moral? — We all know who's behind this latest wave of horribleness-prediction


Big Pharma and the avaricious World Establishment's necrotic brains.


These people are so tiresome, that I frequently imagine a wrath-filled Deity rocketing them off to an airless asteroid.


There's a story worthy of future Scripture.