Mild Irritation with Trump Disasterists

© 2016 Peter Free


13 April 2016



Swooners seem to have gone ballistically fearful about 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump’s offensive brainlessness


Alton Frye even called for legal action against “Trump the Terrorist”:



Donald Trump is a domestic terrorist. That assertion rests on two pillars: a definition and a pattern of facts.


In the definitions of terrorism, the common elements are the use of violence or the threat of violence to coerce or intimidate other people for political purposes.


There are ample grounds for seeking a fresh judicial review of what constitutes incitement in today’s circumstances.


[P]roximity to provocation is measured not by great distances, but by the few feet or inches from chair to the video screen.


A candidate’s invocation of violent imagery may have consequences in settings far removed from the place where the words were uttered.


It makes no difference that Trump now professes to disapprove the violence he previously applauded.


For a person in his position, to forecast a riot is to foment a riot. It is tantamount to telling delegates for other candidates “make me the nominee or my guys will break your heads!”


Would the courts endorse as politically protected speech a politician’s threat that, if he is not nominated, his supporters would riot?


That question is worth framing for judicial action.


© 2016 Alton Frye, Trump the Terrorist, The Globalist (11 April 2016) (extracts)



What is it about Blowhard Trump that makes people lose perspective?


Did they miss the criminal racial oppression and economic impoverishment going on here for decades?


How about the multitudes, at home and abroad, that the United States Government has killed and continues to kill and maim in its asinine wars?


Apparently “mere” Reality does not approach the theatrically devilish specter that Donald Trump’s loose and angry mouth sets us.



There is no ugliness in Donald Trump that has not been unspokenly present in American politics for decades


He just says those things aloud.


And to his somewhat compensating credit, he says some other things — which occasionally happen to be true — that the American Establishment does not want people to hear.



The moral? — It would be more effective to gird up for the right battles, rather than for this overwrought one against Donald the Straw Man


Joe Scarborough’s perspective on this matches mine:



[M]ost political and media elites are in no mood to hear about the legitimate reasons millions of Americans are standing in long lines to vote for Trump. It’s far easier to call those voters white supremacists, drug addicts and losers.


What fools they make of themselves by so grossly overestimating Trump’s Vader-like powers while underestimating America’s elaborate system of political checks and balances.


A President Trump would not be able to turn our country into Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Russia. He wouldn’t even be able to approach the level of abuse found in Argentina not so long ago.


© 2016 Joe Scarborough, Don’t cry for us, we aren’t Argentina, Washington Post (12 April 2016) (extracts)