Media are always escalating something silly — into allegedly being important — can you feel your nose hook, yet?

© 2021 Peter Free


15 November 2021



It is a rare day . . .


. . . when the Establishment's prominently displayed lack of brains does not irritate me.


Consider the following news story:



President Biden’s approval rating has plunged to a fresh low, largely driven by discontent among his own base — as Republicans head into the 2022 midterms with historically high chances, according to a new poll released Sunday.


Just 41 percent of Americans approve of the commander-in-chief’s performance, down a whopping 11 points since spring, the Washington Post-ABC News poll found.


His popularity has also tumbled among his own party.


Today, 80 percent of Democrats are positive about their party’s leader, compared to 94 percent in June, the poll found.


© 2021 Sam Raskin, Biden’s approval rating hits new low: poll, New York Post (14 November 2021)



Haven't we experienced numbers like this . . .


. . . about every American president for decades?


And the country has not ended yet.



Evaluate the above-reported facts


Forty-one percent of Americans is a whole bunch of us.


You wouldn't want to meet those guys in a dark alley, would'jya?


Even if you had your own huge gang of (also 40 percent) competing folk with you.


Nevertheless, the Lamestream always reports these supposedly low approval numbers, as if Political Armageddon is just about to crush our skulls into bone dust.



Then, additionally . . . .


. . there is the reported drop to 'only' 80 percent Biden approval among Democrats.


In actuality, that is twice as good as the supposedly low forty percent across-the-board total.


Most rational folk would be over-the-moon happy with 80 percent approval among people, who do not automatically hate us.


Maybe Dementia Joe is not doing so badly.



This polling nonsense . . .


. . . and the combativeness that it generates, never stops.


I read over the weekend that a recent Iowa sampling indicated that Trump would beat Biden by double digits in 2024:



In a hypothetical 2024 rematch, former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden in Iowa by 11 percentage points, a new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows.


In 2020, Trump defeated Biden by about 8 percentage points, carrying the state 53% to 45%.


In the new survey, 51% of likely Iowa voters in the 2024 election would vote for Trump, a Republican, and 40% say they would vote for Biden, a Democrat. Another 4% say they would not vote for either candidate, and 5% say they are not sure.


© 2021 Brianne Pfannenstiel and Stephen Gruben-Miller, Iowa Poll: In a potential 2024 match, Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by double digits, Des Moines Register (13 November 2021)



The story, of course, was immediately picked up by the national media. For example, USA Today.



Consider the sheer ridiculousness of even posing a 2024 election question . . .


. . . three years in advance of its scheduled occurrence.


First, everyone knows that politics can turn itself on its supposed head in just few days.


Second, one (and maybe both) of Biden and Trump will most probably be either dead, almost dead — or completely brain-dribbled by then.


Those two are so far from spring-chicken-hood that neither can even remember what those supposedly glory days were like.


And in those regards, all but the most stalwartly brain-dead of either hypothetical candidate's supporters are going to recognize a walking cadaver, when they see one.


Yet, despite all this, the Iowa story was advanced as if it had significance.


Thereby, further fueling the ridiculousness of the continued support that both these long-proven presidential ineptitudes still have among the — evidently equally clueless — American population.



The moral? — You see how absurd the United States is, these days — don't you?


We live in system that consists of two agglomerated herds of hostile and ignorant folk. These milling partisan beasts are continually fed the Establishment's toxic propaganda drool.


That sticky Corporatist spittle is intended to keep We the People's self-destructive stupidities propagating themselves.


Kind'a like the red cape that simultaneously goads the bull and hides the sword that eventually kills that befuddled critter.


What is interesting about these political polling numbers is:



(a) not that support for Biden (or Trump) is allegedly low




(b) that support for either long-proven malefactor still exists in any measurable numbers at all.



No one is talking about this society-wrecking phenomenon.


Presumably so, because waking the Rabble would be a bad thing for the Monied Elites that run the country.