A majority of Americans reportedly favor war with North Korea (if we don't get our way) — a combat where somebody else dies, of course

© 2017 Peter Free


20 September 2017



An exceptional culture?


From Reuters, regarding a Gallup opinion poll:



The survey of 1,022 U.S. adults last week found that 58 percent said they would favor military action against North Korea if the United States cannot accomplish its goals by more peaceful means first.


Such support, however, was largely split along political party lines. Among Republicans, 82 percent would back military action compared with 37 percent among Democrats. Among political independents, 56 backed such action.


The survey, conducted by telephone interviews between Sept. 6 and Sept. 10, has a sampling error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.


© 2017 Reuters staff, U.S. majority backs military action vs. North Korea: Gallup poll, Reuters (15 September 2017) (excerpts)



Ignorance of history — and public cowardice — characterize American perspectives on foreign affairs


Historically attuned writers point out that North Korea has (realistically) more to fear from the United States than vice versa.


North Korea's provocative pursuit of nukes is an attempt to fend of American-decided fates similar to those of Libya and Iraq, which had acquiesced in giving up their atomic ambitions.


Historical knowledge is (who could have guessed?) contrary to Americans' uninterrupted love for a mindlessly bullet-based foreign policy.


Combine (a) unflappable ignorance with (b) the US public's materialism-based fear of everything, and you get (c) perpetual preemptive war, as virtually the entire foundation of American foreign policy.



The moral? — There is nothing societally admirable in this


American public opinion is ruled by a bunch of quivering dopes. The majority "we" enthusiastically prompts others to fight and die in deadly conflicts that the United States begins for no defensible strategic (or moral) reasons.


Adversaries recognize U.S. societal rot.


This recognition explains why our (American propaganda-created) enemies consistently win the strategy game.