Love a good rant? — here's one from Jaime O'Neill — about COVID-19

© 2020 Peter Free


28 February 2020



Jaime O'Neill and I are roughly the same (elderly) age


But I am mellower than he is. Which means that I'm a mildly irritated badger, and he's a maniacal wolverine.  


We justify our existences by thinking that we are (just possibly) mild pains in Happy Complacence's ass.



Is this the eloquence of angry insight?


O'Neill can rant Truth with the best:



We've got a truly scary pandemic headed our way just a little over a century since the Spanish flu killed 50 million people around the globe.


And though Trump can't be blamed for the pandemic, one of the things we can count on from him is his talent for taking a bad thing and making it much worse.


In this case, the death and dying probably won't even be the worst of it.


With Trump and his incompetents in charge, it's almost sure to be a colossal fuck up in ways we can't yet imagine.


We have been stripped of all confidence in our government . . . with the primary evidence of [Trump's] incompetence being seen in how unerringly he has picked the very worst people he can find to put in every slot . . . .


As if all that ain't bad enough, we get these other reality shows staged by the Democratic Party primary candidates, a series of food fights that makes John Belushi look genteel and Donald Trump appear calm and presidential.


Democrats flail away at one another, behave boorishly, and the media "moderators" egg 'em on, then cut 'em off . . . .


Meanwhile, some very big elephants in the room don't get mentioned hardly at all.


And so now here we are.


© 2020 Jaime O'Neill, Doomsday Looms. But First This Word From Our Friends at Pfizer, Smirking Chimp (27 February 2020)



The moral? — I will be hazily in and out of O'Neill's blurb . . .


. . . when I am (probably soon):





oozing red-bag fluids


gasping my (grateful) way to death


while embraced by


COVID-19's bat-critter




viral clutches.



There is a smile in that. Provided that you have a suitably lyrical sense of shadowed humor.