Let's implement 'gender advisers' to lead US troops — Admiral Christopher Grady's agreeable statement to the Senate

© 2021 Peter Free


15 December 2021



Allow me to drift off into one aspect of America's culture war


You know, the one in which Snowflakes want to axe off allegedly bigoted domestic violent extremists' heads — and vice versa.


Blood, many imply, will soon be running liquidly loose among American byways.


My take, instead, is that some foreign power is eventually going to kick our perpetually Point-Missing Ass in a genuinely humiliating subjugation of America's arrogance.


Let's begin today's short trek into culture's weeds.



Are we living in a buffoon show?


Here is Dementia Joe's Joint Chiefs vice chairman nominee, Admiral Christopher Grady, speaking to the US Senate:



President Joe Biden's nominee for the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told the Senate "gender advisers" for combat troops are critical to the United States' success . . . .


The revelation came during a Dec. 8 exchange with Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D., N.H.), who asked how Adm. Christopher Grady intends to implement "women, peace, and security" legislation within the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


"The role of a gender adviser is a way to attack a very significant issue, and if confirmed, I look forward to leveraging those advisers who can make me think better and smarter about the issues that you raise," Grady said.


"So I look forward to, if confirmed, understanding that ecosystem and helping advance that cause going forward again."


© 2021 Joseph Simonson, Biden Joint Chiefs Nom Embraces ‘Gender Advisers’ for Troops, Washington Free Beacon (13 December 2021)



Accompanying the Washingon Free Beacon's article is a picture of Admiral Grady looking both comfortably pompous and admirably admiral.


The Beacon's embedded video shows that Grady is clearly speaking by politically necessary rote.  He (to my mind) exhibits questionable levels of sincerity about the gender issue, as assessed with respect to either political direction.


Thus, Admiral Grady perfectly models the politician-like caricature of virtually every US four star.



Why does this matter?


Don't all politically inclined power-mongers — especially four stars — exhibit similar levels of disingenuous duplicity in their sparkling ascents to the 'prize' (whatever that reward might be)?


Yes, that's true. Nevertheless, consider 2021's pertinent context.


Here we are in an age in which the US attempts to start wars wherever it can — so as to keep our magnificently bloated weapons-makers — and their bribed horde of politicians and militarists — at the top of Mammon's Mountain.


One would think — living inside such a scenario — that the US military's actual fighting prowess might become a concern. But here — in constantly political and essential-point-missing America — apparently not.



Let's see what one Armed Forces veteran has to say about . . .


. . . this Snowflake Utopia position of ours.


In response to the Rod Dreher's (The American Conservative) concerns about where the United States is headed, military veteran Richard York wrote the following:



For those of us who have served in recent years, nothing in this post is especially surprising.


American elites genuinely cannot conceive of personal violence. It’s totally beyond their comprehension, so they’ve turned the military into a massive organization dedicated to social work, grifting, and rent seeking.


Assigning gender advisers to the military and changing its culture to make it more female-friendly are aspects of the elite’s broader strategy of parceling out American society into tiny groups, then paying off 51% of these groups to stay in power.


Meanwhile, the American general officer class has no real values outside of promotion and getting a job at Raytheon after retirement, so they parrot anything in the zeitgeist that will guarantee them continued funding.


Back in the Reagan-Clinton-Bush years, it was aping evangelical Christianity.


Nowadays, it’s blabbering nonsense about gender ideology at senatorial confirmation hearings.


Admiral Grady doesn’t believe in any of this dreck. Just look at his face. He’s saying what he gets paid to say.


Every general officer briefing I ever sat through in my decade in the service went exactly the same way. I never once got the impression that any of them were really dedicated to defending our country or to aggressively killing our enemies.


They’re totally bought and sold, hence the catastrophe that took place a few months ago in Kabul and the horrendous outcome of our other campaigns in the War on Terror.


It should terrify you that America’s military leaders really are that galactically stupid. . . . They know absolutely nothing about war, economics, policy, or anything else.


And, as we speak, we have made a series of absolute military commitments to Taiwan and Ukraine that we cannot possibly fulfill. When Putin and Xi do call our bluff and come to collect, these people will be in charge of our nation’s response.


I feel strongly, in my bones, that defeat in a major war is in the offing for our people.


© 2021 Rod Dreher, The New Woke Model Army, The American Conservative (14 December 2021) (quoting Richard York)



For people familiar with Russia's Soviet era (70 percent-plus) contribution to winning World War II, it is difficult to quarrel with Mr. York's assessment.


Since then, Russia has not detectibly changed its ferocious commitment to getting self-defensive military jobs done, no matter how brutal they become.


Russia understands (to its marrow) what existential war is about. Americans do not.


The same is true of China, but in a different way. China lacks the successful record that the Russians do in repelling invaders. However (again unlike the United States), the Chinese people know what having hordes of murderous occupiers on their own ground feels like.


China's current, notably competent leadership will never allow China to be humiliated in that way again.


Overall, my sense is that unnecessarily provoking either of these nations — especially with our mob of self-interested four star political connivers — is a potentially catastrophic strategic mistake.



The moral? — Snowflake-ism — combined with Stupidity's Arrogance — is not a prescription for successful dominance


Be careful whom you poke.


And who with.