Let us all be massively self-destructive together? — Finland's population favors joining NATO

© 2022 Peter Free


01 March 2022



See the mamba — provoke the mamba?


The figurative monkeys that call themselves Homo sapiens like to distract themselves from real problems by exaggerating, or inventing, much lesser ones.


Afterward, in true Monkey Mob style, we escalate hysteria about those exaggerated, usually falsified, issues from one teetering height to another.


The amplification process feels so good.


Kind'a like orgiastic self-righteousness on steroids.



An obvious benefit to doing all this is . . .


. . . that we do get to avoid doing anything about long-standing, potentially existential matters that really might be about to gobble us up.


Take the increasing risks of nuclear annihilation — thanks predominantly to the USA — and the now unavoidable and still increasingly negative — geographically unequally distributed — impacts of global warming.



In illustration of the Monkey Mind Hypothesis


Consider the intelligence test posed by the Russia-Ukraine situation.


I read this today:



With hype around the Ukraine War, a new poll shows a reversal in trend, with a narrow 53% of Finns now supporting the idea of joining NATO.


MPs [ministers of parliament] are also planning to discuss the matter.


With none of the usual obstacles over territory, Finland could conceivably join NATO without obstacle.


© 2022 Jason Ditz, Finland Mulls NATO Rethink after Recent Poll Shows Support, AntiWar (28 February 2022)



Bright group, that


In 1939, Finland lost roughly 70,000 casualties in the Winter War with the Soviet Union. And it still lost the war.


Since then, Finland has been neutral (by agreement) and gotten along well enough with both Soviets and then Russians.


Now evidently, wishing to wreck that success and gain absolutely nothing of substance in doing so:



a slim majority of Finns have lost their minds


and want to jump into NATO


so that


they can provoke another 1939-like war


which they will certainly lose


especially when the nukes start flying




NATO evaporates itself


on the altar of its own neoplastic, drunkenly aggressive, America-fostered, absolutely rank stupidity.



Good call folks


We see the quality of Finnish education in action.



The moral? — Humans — Finns and everyone else being fully representative — are going to extinctify themselves


Do not underestimate Homo sapiens' addictive love affair with the Terminal Idiocy Cocktail.


Welcome gamma rays and be happy.