Lapdog Norwegian Jens Stoltenberg — provocatively yapped about NATO's evidently grossly expanded core principles

© 2022 Peter Free


27 January 2022



Today, I'll be rude


Sometimes, one just has to slap idiots 'upside' the head.



Read what follows with a Realpolitiker's mind


Imagine yourself as a Russian, who had relatives who died during World War II's Eastern Front carnage.


This visualization just might put you in the correct frame of mind to contemplate Clarity.



Somebody stupider than cow-pooed rocks?


Below is NATO's (US-owned) head lapdog — Norwegian Jens Stoltenberg — making a yapping ass of himself:



The US and Nato have formally rejected Russia's demands to withdraw Western forces from eastern Europe and abandon Ukraine.


"We cannot and will not compromise on the principles on which the security of our alliance and security in Europe and North America rest," Nato secretary general Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday (26 January).


"This includes the right of each nation to choose its own security arrangements. Russia should refrain from coercive force posturing, aggressive rhetoric, and malign activities directed against allies and other nations," he added.


"This is about respecting the right for self-determination," Stoltenberg said.


© 2022 Andrew Rettman, NATO and US say No to Putin's ultimatum, EUobserver (27 January 2022)



Three points


The first is an impolite, but realistic one, about Stoltenberg and Norway.


The second is about what NATO was initially created to do — contrary to what Stoltenberg is now representing it to be aimed at.


And the third, comes a general caveat about not being so stupid, that one needlessly trash-talks one's way into a potentially nuclear confrontation.



Point one — Stoltenberg and Norway


I have written about Stoltenberg's diarrheal mouth before. He comes from Norway.


Norway is historically noteworthy for having gotten itself occupied, by the Nazis, during World War II.


And afterward, basically rolling over and placidly 'taking it up the ass' — to use an uncouth, but appropriately descriptive, American expression. Norway's comparative placidity taking place, while notable portions of the rest of Europe bled out.


Norway experienced about 9,500 deaths during the Second World War, only 3,000 of those military.


In a roughly fair comparison, Finland had 95,000 troops perish. And Poland saw 240,000 of their troops die, along with 5.4 million civilians.


On an even more gigantic scale, Soviet Union lost approximately 9 to 11 million troops and at least 24 million civilians, during the same conflict.


Russians making up the majority of both those totals. With Russians, again, bearing at least 70 percent of the brunt of defeating Hitler.


Ukraine ranked second to the Russians in their contribution to the Soviet effort. Ukraine lost an estimated 1.65 million military and 5.2 million civilian lives.


In short, Norway's superbly credentialed representative should not be 'talking shit' — as another American slang expression goes — to anyone.


Yet, here we are with (metaphorically 'Pissant') Jens throwing gasoline on pretty much the same Eastern Front ground.


Do any of us really think that squeaky-barky Norway is going to bear the brunt of what happens, when Stoltenberg's vigorously tossed gasoline ignites itself?



Are we, perhaps, anticipating a Norwegian response similar in courage and temporary effectiveness to Finland's — as that took place during 1939's Winter War against the Red Army?


I wouldn't bet on it.


In 1939, Norway even barred its citizens from joining the Finns in their self-defense against the Soviets.


That is not exactly the stuff of respect-worthy Scandinavian comradeship. And even less of historically illustrious martial history.



Therefore, if I were a Russian today, Stoltenberg would just irritate me. Kind'a like an obnoxious flea might.


This is why, in my street-savvy estimation, guys like Stoltenberg — from geopolitically irrelevant (though enviably fine lifestyle) nations like his — should desist from provoking bigger, nastier dogs into fighting.


You never know whom those now-enraged alpha creatures will eventually turn on. Better to wear your Chihuahua collar, and its attached leash, and remain in your plush dog-bed.


In fairness, Norway is probably more afraid of our truly lunatic American leadership, than it is of the usually geopolitically rational Russians.


Which goes to show, how genuinely crazy the so-called 'West' has become.



Point two — NATO is not what Stoltenberg seems to think it is


NATO was founded to resist anticipated Soviet encroachment on the West. Having watched the Red Army kick formerly mighty Germany into the storm sewer, everyone knew 'them guys' were formidable.


NATO was not initially formed to 'crusade' — 'crusade' here serving as a verb — the holy mantle of self-determination in an eastward direction.


NATO's whole purpose was to prevent war, via displaying the military power necessary to do so. Certainly not to start an unnecessary conflict by actively trying to (entirely) gobble up the Soviet — and later, Russian Federation — sphere of influence via the assertion of NATO military force and member expansion.


Admittedly, for some decades now, the United States has been eagerly and mindlessly perverting the alliance in exactly that direction.


Nevertheless, a sophisticated and history-conscious European should know better, as to how spheres of influence have historically worked.


No excuse for you, Jens.



Point three — wise people do not set off the relatively obvious detonators to potential nuclear conflict


This principle of awakened human behavior should be obvious.


However evidently, it is not to Stoltenberg. Nor to the quintessentially malevolent idiots, who head the United States.


Still though, sane folks know 'what Jesus would say' (to use my last American expression, today).



The moral? — Jens, shut up and go home to the fiords


Fresh salt air might do your withered brain and engorged erectile tissues some good.


On the other hand, realistically speaking, we can safely conclude that there is no hope American leaders. They characteristically and corpulently adulate themselves onto Pedestals of Propagandized Righteousness. Pamper-protected by:



(a) the geographic safety afforded by vast expanses of two great oceans




(b) their complete ignorance regarding what existential war — in the homeland — really is like.



Our current crop of these conniving and avaricious dopes never had any brains.


Their actions are formulated from distilled testosterone. Arguably, the most intelligence-lacking substance on Earth.


In sum, in today's world, one does better — when trying to simulate an intelligent humanity — by not imitating US leaders. Ever.