Just for fun, what's worse — a straightforward sellout — or a cowardly and grasping one?

© 2020 Peter Free


16 April 2020



Are there aesthetics to levels of Turd-i-tude?


I went off about the Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders duo of principle-abandoning sellouts a few days ago.



If you want to read an even more steaming take regarding Senator Sanders — "the Saker" submitted one, here.



After those two pusillanimous endorsements assured Joe Biden the Democratic 2020 presidential nomination — the already withdrawn from the race, but endorsement-withholding — Elizabeth Warren marched back in and finally also gave 'Demented' Joe her approval.



I guess timely straightforwardness is not one Warren's virtues.



Warren also let loose that she wouldn't mind being Biden's vice president.


We can thus conclude that Senator Warren is not only a sniveling and indecisive coward — she is also an egotistically slimy grasper.



These facts set up a Relative Morality question


Which is worse:



just selling principle short


as Gabbard and Sanders did










like Warren's?



The moral? — The Fake Party of Opposition is just filled with admirable characters, isn't it?


Nominating (war-fostering, plutocrat-oligarch-worshipper) 'Dementia' Joe to captain this Ship of Slimeballs fits quite nicely.


We can all sigh with relief.


Especially so, after the King of Hypocrites leisurely rode in to tell us that 'Evaporating Mind' (and last man standing) Biden is a splendid choice for national captain.


With a ringing endorsement like that:



from the one guy who arguably did more than anyone else


to invite an immediate


anti-elitist, anti-hypocrite


political counter reaction


which, in turn


propelled Toddling Donny


through the Commander in Chief's 2016 door —



. . . how is American to say "no"?