Some jurisdictions have returned to locking down businesses — but with no COVID-spreading evidence to blame them for

© 2020 Peter Free


13 July 2020



A general preliminary proposition


Totalitarian-minded people are generally not noted for demonstrations of perspicacious intelligence.



For example


Dim wittedness has marked the entirety of the US response to COVID-19:



shortages of PPE


too little and too laggard testing


almost no contact tracing


voluminous hysteria




wasted lockdowns


with no research


or catch-up


being done during any of them.



Now, with COVID infections surging again


Some local jurisdictions are reclosing varieties of small business.



Notice that


These closings and wallet-lootings are being forced on the basis of no investigated facts.


There has been virtually no effort, anywhere in the United States (to my knowledge), to competently track the true sources of these surges in COVID infection.


Blaming financially struggling small business owners appears to be Lazy Leadership's route to pretending to be knowledgeably in charge.



The United States is headless chicken circle-running


Government appears to be absolutely determined to:



kill tens upon tens of thousands of us


(due to the Deep State's shocking unpreparedness)


 as well as completely destroy


our nation's small business economy.



Vicious stupidity is rampant everywhere


Ours is a nation of lazy, unscientific, unimaginative, uncaring and aggressively incompetent government leadership.



Privately held Plutocracy . . .


. . . does not care to intervene against Government dumbass-ness because:



Big Business either gets to do what it will


(unlike small business)




plutocrats and corporations line up




exceedingly prompt and overwhelmingly massive bailouts




a bribed and thoroughly corrupt National Government


feeds them.



Think about this


It is our small businesses, our slim livelihoods that are on the line.


Government has not done anything substantive for ordinary people during (or before) this pandemic:



no alertness


no protection


no support


no genuinely useful epidemiological research


no massive recruitment of material resources and products




incomplete, often idiotic advisements.



National Government's entire focus has been on rescuing Oligarchy


This plutocratic kakistocracy is killing and impoverishing us for its profit.


It is exactly this blatant.



The moral? — The American System does not work for ordinary folk


The American State has become an intentionally glaring opposite to the US Constitution's preamble:



a more perfect Union . . .


Justice . . .


domestic Tranquility . . .


common defence . . .


promot[ion of] the general Welfare . . .


secur[ing] . . . Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.



Waking up to this, would be a good thing.