Is the United States suiciding on wall-to-wall stupidity?

© 2019 Peter Free


24 April 2019



This last year persuaded me that the United States is likely "over"


In any historically admirable sense.


We are like the hunter-shot (already dead) animal that lies reflexively twitching, until the ghost of its soul leaves the corpse.



Take the concocted — now deflated — "Trump's a Russian puppet" story


And its equally absurd Barr Conspiracy aftermath.


Chris Hedges and Aaron Mate talked about both subjects on RT America.



© 2019 Chris Hedges, The ‘Russiagate’ Conspiracy Theorists Just Can’t Let Go, TruthDig (22 April 2019)





Mate and Hedges were on RT because the American Lamestream censors anything that falls outside the American Deep State's propaganda line. You know, the government-sponsored brainwashing that says oligarchy and wars are good for human beings.


Their conversation is worth a view, if you are open-minded enough to suspect that available evidence demonstrates that the United States is a culturally sinking ship.



Regarding sucking salt water instead of air


Fred Reed, who sometimes wisely emulates an Edmund Burke conservative, wrote that:



China has risen explosively, from being clearly a “Third World” country forty years ago to become a very serious and rapidly advancing competitor to America.


Anyone who has seen today’s China . . . will have been astonished by the ubiquitous construction, the quality of planning, the roads and airports and high-speed rail, the sense of confidence and modernity.


Compare this with America’s rotting and dangerous cities, swarms of homeless people, deteriorating education, antique rail, deindustrialized midlands, loony government, and the military sucking blood from the economy like some vast leech, and America will seem yesterday’s country.


The phrase “national suicide” comes to mind.


It is interesting that China and South Korea are clear leaders in 5G. The US, unable to compete seeks to prohibit its European vassals from dealing with HuaWei by threatening sanctions. Germany has refused to obey.


America focuses more on transgender bathrooms and whether Bruce Jenner is a girl than on its endless and draining wars.


China sends its brightest to the world’s best technical school while America makes its universities into playpens for the mildly retarded. The country crumbles but spends drunkenly of defective fighter planes it doesn’t need in the first place.


This won’t work a whole lot longer.


© 2019 Fred Reed, Yesterday’s Country: Not to Worry, They Can’t Innovate, (17 April 2019)



I share Reed's sense that American things are out of kilter.



If you want a dose of reality


Take a look at the massive proportion of published science that originates in China. With a population that is 4.3 times ours, China probably has at least 4 times more highly capable people.


Are we going to compete by continuing to flaunt how combatively fantasy-filled we are?



The irony is that


China seems to think that promoting effective leaders up the government chain is a good idea. In the US, we seem to do the reverse.


China also appears to be experimenting with "guided" capitalism more effectively than we are with our comparatively unregulated, systematically poverty-inducing variety.


Are smarts and community orientation the difference between our cultures?



The moral? — Brainless quarreling — among ourselves and with others — probably will not keep us atop Darwin's water


Though, I suspect, a person has to be not-stupid to see this.