Irrelevant Hillary Clinton is still in the news — demonstrating the Lamestream's domineering uselessness — AKA the Goebbels framework

© 2017 Peter Free


01 June 2017



Theme — is it time to wake up yet?


Moving on (even slightly) seems to challenge our culture's apparently limitless witlessness. Take Hillary Clinton's continued presence in American news.


That zombie Democrat continues her Lamestream-fueled, bewailing stroll through election post-mortems. As if she retains even tattered relevance in the Age of Trump. An era that she — and her miserably oligarchical political party — massively helped bring on.



Former Vice President Joe Biden is reportedly so distraught . . .


. . . that he is (some suspect) toying with making a feeble geezer's run at the world's arguably most demanding job.



Meanwhile . . .


"The most dangerous organization in human history" happily imposes boundless avarice, oppression and planet-boiling on America-Land.


And Comey, Clapper and Brennan (those representative faces of totalitarian power-seeking) — along with America's unceasing stream of evidence-denying generals — continue to dominate our "supposed expertise" media forums.



We can conclude that


One societal and military failure after another have not been enough to interrupt these power-clinging elitists' (jaw-flappingly vacuous) scene-stealing.



An optimist would think . . .


. . .  democracy's suffering ashes would encourage a torrent of re-blooming.


But watching the Mainstream for signs of such is fruitless. That deluge of nitwitism clings to repeatedly mucking through Grand Irrelevances and unproductive wheel-spinning.



The moral? — The market likes posturing gravitas


No matter how obviously stupid, grossly unsuccessful and vicious it has continually been. We Americans live in a Goebbels' world of deluded illusion.


It is a pity what we have done to ourselves. Waking up would be a good start at redemption.