In miserably run California, why bother with submissiveness?

© 2019 Peter Free


25 October 2019



Is there virtue in becoming a "populist" nutcase?


Here in northern California, we are facing the second power shutoff within about 3 weeks.




PG&E's whining about forest fire safety


and in spite of


our "shithole" state government's attempt to evade responsibility for decades of the (supposedly regulated) utility's incompetence


whom else can one legitimately blame?



Why should Californians continue to submit to these (pun-nishingly) power-grasping extortions?


Narcissist president Donald Trump's phrase ("make America great again") accumulates appeal under these conditions.


The man's a genius with regard to tapping into existing tides of discontent.



The moral? — Is it time to start breaking chains?


Becoming an extremist nutcase, in preference to continuing as a hapless sheep in the dark, is an arguably rational choice.


Maybe we should look at preppers and militia folk with enthusiastic approval.


Is this airheaded populism, or something more fundamental?


What would Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine say?