In a competition between "losers for prez" — who ya gonna pick?

© 2019 Peter Free


26 June 2019



Stupidity's sticky morass


I find it difficult to stay interested in the United States' rampaging decline into raging lunacy.



Today, for example


Some Democrats — see here, for example — are trying to blame the President for the emotionally rending photograph of a drowned father and daughter at the US border with Mexico.


Apparently, it does not occur to these critics that President Trump, despicable though he is, did not force anyone to try swimming the Rio Grande.


The supposedly closed US border presented a major physical obstacle under President Obama and his predecessors, as well.



Nevertheless, it seems that each day, the Lamestream . . .


. . . with Public Moritude's assistance, looks to seize upon some new lamentable outrage, as fodder for fostering action-avoiding, telenovela-style upset.


This, instead of focusing on the basics of what needs to get done (or not done) to keep the United States afloat.



In the instance of that sad photograph


Immigration policy is always going to be morally nasty.


The world's comparatively rich always try to keep the hopelessly poor out.


There is no way to make this "human condition" appealing.



In that regard


"Conservatives" are almost always more honest than their quibbling, perpetually waffling, panty-waisted political opponents.


Who, as a result of being perceived as unrealistic dreamers, tend to lose elections that focus on existential (or supposedly existential) issues.



The moral? — namby-pamby whiners ain't gonna win nothin' — ?


President Trump is vulnerable regarding his many inhumanities. But his Democratic opponents have not been smart (or focused) enough to craft action-oriented arguments against him.


Whining about a morally revealing photograph — which actually goes to the fundamentally repulsive core of border protection — is not going to win a deciding majority of votes.


American elections are always about preserving the United States' generally superior material status in the world. Our public, admitting it or not, is implicitly focused on holding onto the United States' grossly disproportionate share of the world pie.


If Democrats are going to defeat Trump in 2020, they are going to have to more ably present themselves as bold (but perhaps unspoken) promoters of this basic unfairness.


That's the reality.


Furthermore, if someone hopes to take Donald Trump down, they are going to have to demonstrate a compelling facility for effectively dealing with blazing Adam Henrys.


And the more allegedly humane among Democrats are going to have to persuade propagandized Americans that community and socialism — even waffling "democratic socialism" — are not magically un-American.


Good luck with that.


The American public is too thoughtlessly ignorant to comprehend what this most basic societal economic argument is even about.


Consequently, our American Ship of Pie Stealers is probably always going to be captained by ruthless, self-interested egomaniacs. Trump and Obama might as well have been brothers in this inherently deceptive art.


I see no one among the Democrats' crop of 24 presidential candidates who approaches Obama's eloquently delivered talent for hypocrisy-based deception.


Even more clearly, none among the Democratic candidates displays the necessary talent for Adam Henry-defusing.


Most likely, losers all.