If China were in charge — slothful America would have built COVID hospitals — and conducted a successful vaccine rollout

© 2021 Peter Free


17 January 2021



It's fun to be anti-PRC . . .


. . . until you calculate how far behind, we Americans are.



Consider just two COVID facts


Faced with a recent outbreak of COVID in Beijing, China immediately built a new 1,500 bed hospital to treat the outbreak's patients. Building it took five days.


Five more hospitals, totaling 5,000 more rooms, are in progress.


This is not new stuff for the PRC. During the last year, China built a number of new hospitals to cope with their then proportionately trivial (compared to the US) number of COVID cases.


In short, when China's leadership figures that the "People" need something, it gets done right away and without inane partisanship and faked scarcities getting in the way.


Meanwhile, the United States has been overwhelmed by SARS-CoV-2.


And ain't nobody buildin' nothin'.


Instead, we see hysterical US headlines every day about how "everyone's gonna die" and how people who do not have COVID — but still need urgent medical treatment — cannot get close to receiving them.


Point to China.


Then, there's the United States' laughably inept vaccine "rollout".


You know, the one in which vaccines get rolled into storage and proportionately no one gets even the first of two vaccine doses into their figuratively frail, yearning bodies.


For example, in California (as of two days ago) — only 33 percent of the arrived vaccines have been doled out.


Can you imagine how the PRC would have coped with a comparatively simple vaccine distribution problem? If China can build a major hospital in just five days, it can build and distribute deep-cold freezers, pronto.


And y'all wondered why sending virtually our entire manufacturing capacity to the PRC (for 'Muhrikan Fat Cats' profit) was a bad idea.



The moral? — America, the failed state, is doddering . . .


. . . with (figuratively speaking) an outgoing (alleged) Moron and incoming (suspected) Dementia Man to represent the fact.





US attention is currently focused on an unauthorized "white" guys' tour of the Capitol. Foolishly, and oh-so-dramatically, calling that an "insurrection".


While COVID is kicking Health and Economy's behinds.


And we cannot build the facilities, distribute the vaccines, generate the personal protective equipment — or even effectively aim the economic aid — that are necessary to control both.



Is someone in Shared Braindead Land — reliably always and on purpose — missing key societal points?