Identity politics — where fundamentally disintegrating societies go to die?

© 2020 Peter Free


17 May 2020



Consider implications


Professor Frank Furedi wrote that:



Apparently, whether you wear a mask is not simply a reaction to the coronavirus, but a visible statement about your identity and your politics.


The fact that mask wearing has become a flashpoint in the culture wars serves as testimony to the degradation of political life in Western societies.


The herd-like response incited by identity politics makes it difficult to have an intelligent discussion about how society should respond to the pandemic.


[S]ociety rarely learns from the childish controversies provoked by identity obsessions.


© 2020 Frank Furedi, It's a mask, not a flag! CULTURE WARS around Covid-19 protection are shameful, RT (16 May 2020)



The bottomline


Americans characteristically combine:



herd-shared ignorance




an equally widely distributed


avoidance of rational analysis.



The two traits describe culturally based stupidity.





While writing this, CBS's Sunday Morning is doing a segment on COVID era dreaming. As if COVID-time dreams were somehow majorly different and significantly more important than other REM dreams.


One wonders what a genuinely capable society would think of such navel-gazing.



The moral? — Missing the Big Picture for the teeny ones, is what we happily do


The United States is (arguably) exceptional. Just not in respect-generating or survival-worthy ways.


We will, one can anticipate, go down with our Shouting Monkey Ship.


While blaming Russians, Chinese, Iranians — and maybe some Cubans and Venezuelans — for the sinking.